2.3. Listing iSCSI Targets

Using the vstorage-iscsi list command, you can list all iSCSI targets registered on a node or display detailed information about a specific iSCSI target on a node.

To list all iSCSI targets registered on a node, run the command as follows:

# vstorage-iscsi list
IQN                             STATUS  LUNs HOST             PORTAL(s)
iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1  running 1    fefacc38a2f140ca
iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test2  running 1    fefacc38a2f140ca
iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test3  stopped 1    fefacc38a2f140ca
iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test4  stopped 0    fefacc38a2f140ca

To display detailed information about an iSCSI target registered on a node, run the vstorage-iscsi list command with the target’s name as the option. For example:

# vstorage-iscsi list -t iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1
Target iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1:
 Status:      running
 Registered:  yes
 Host:        fefacc38a2f140ca
 LUN:   1, Size:  102400M, Used:     1M, Online: Yes

The command outputs above show the following data:

Item Description
Target Unique alphanumeric name of the iSCSI target.
Portals Target’s IP address(es).

Target’s current state.

  • running: target is running and ready for use (for local targets).
  • stopped: target is stopped (for local targets).
  • service failed: the iSCSI service is down (for local targets).
  • remote: target is registered on a different node.
  • unregistered: target is not registered on any node in the Acronis Storage cluster.
Registered Whether or not the target is registered on the host which ID is shown in the Host entry.
Host Acronis Storage node ID.
LUN Virtual disk’s integer number within the target.
Size Virtual disk’s logical size (16 TB maximum).
Used Virtual disk’s physical size. The physical size can be smaller than logical due to the expanding format of the virtual disk.
  • Yes: the LUN is visible to and can be mounted by iSCSI initiators.
  • No: the LUN is invisible to and cannot be mounted by iSCSI initiators.