8.3. Planning the S3 clusterΒΆ

Before creating an S3 cluster, do the following:

  1. Define which nodes of the storage cluster will run the S3 storage access point services. It is recommended to have all nodes available in Acronis Cyber Infrastructure run these services.

  2. Configure the network so that the following is achieved:

    • All components of the S3 cluster communicate with each other via the S3 private network. All nodes of an S3 cluster must be connected to the S3 private network. The Acronis Cyber Infrastructure internal network can be used for this purpose.
    • The nodes running S3 gateways must have access to the public network.
    • The public network for the S3 gateways must be balanced by an external DNS load balancer.

    For more details on network configuration, refer to the Installation Guide.

  3. All components of the S3 cluster should run on multiple nodes for high availability. Name server and object server components in the S3 cluster are automatically balanced and migrated between S3 nodes. S3 gateways are not automatically migrated; their high availability is based on DNS records. You need to maintain the DNS records manually when adding or removing S3 gateways.