2.4. Managing Node Network Interfaces

2.4.1. vinfra node network iface list

List node network interfaces:

usage: vinfra node network iface list (-a | --node <node>)
-a, --all
List all network interfaces on all nodes
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname to list network interfaces on


This command shows network interfaces of the node with the ID 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55.

# vinfra node network iface list --node 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55
| name | node_id                              | ipv4               | state | network |
| eth0 | 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55 | -  | up    | Public  |
| eth1 | 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55 | - | up    | Private |

2.4.2. vinfra node network iface show

Show details of a network interface:

usage: vinfra node network iface show --node <node> <iface>
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
Network interface name


# vinfra node network iface show eth0 --node 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55
| Field                 | Value                                |
| contained_in          |                                      |
| dhcp4                 |                         |
| dhcp4_enabled         | True                                 |
| dhcp6                 | fe80::21c:42ff:fe2a:4fdf             |
| dhcp6_enabled         | True                                 |
| dns4                  | -                          |
| dns6                  | []                                   |
| duplex                |                                      |
| gw4                   |                            |
| gw6                   |                                      |
| ignore_auto_dns_v4    | False                                |
| ignore_auto_dns_v6    | False                                |
| ignore_auto_routes_v4 | False                                |
| ignore_auto_routes_v6 | False                                |
| ipv4                  | -                    |
| ipv6                  | - fe80::21c:42ff:fe2a:4fdf/64        |
| mac_addr              | 00:1c:42:2a:4f:df                    |
| mtu                   | 1500                                 |
| multicast             | True                                 |
| name                  | eth0                                 |
| node_id               | 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55 |
| plugged               | True                                 |
| roles_set             | 237e58dd-6c10-49c1-be7f-7ddf7de2efd1 |
| rx_bytes              | 1844502614                           |
| rx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| rx_errors             | 0                                    |
| rx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| rx_packets            | 11543284                             |
| speeds                | current: null                        |
|                       | max: null                            |
| state                 | up                                   |
| tx_bytes              | 28477979                             |
| tx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| tx_errors             | 0                                    |
| tx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| tx_packets            | 107649                               |
| type                  | iface                                |

This command shows the details of the network interface eth0 located on the node with the ID 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55.

2.4.3. vinfra node network iface

Bring a network interface up:

usage: vinfra node network iface up --node <node> <iface>
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
Network interface name

Bring a network interface down:

usage: vinfra node network iface down --node <node> <iface>
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
Network interface name


# vinfra node network iface up eth2 --node 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55
| Field                 | Value                                |
| contained_in          |                                      |
| dhcp4                 |                        |
| dhcp4_enabled         | True                                 |
| dhcp6                 | fe80::21c:42ff:fef8:5b90             |
| dhcp6_enabled         | True                                 |
| dns4                  | -                          |
| dns6                  | []                                   |
| duplex                |                                      |
| gw4                   |                            |
| gw6                   |                                      |
| ignore_auto_dns_v4    | False                                |
| ignore_auto_dns_v6    | False                                |
| ignore_auto_routes_v4 | False                                |
| ignore_auto_routes_v6 | False                                |
| ipv4                  | -                   |
| ipv6                  | - fe80::21c:42ff:fef8:5b90/64        |
| mac_addr              | 00:1c:42:f8:5b:90                    |
| mtu                   | 1500                                 |
| multicast             | True                                 |
| name                  | eth2                                 |
| node_id               | 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55 |
| plugged               | True                                 |
| roles_set             |                                      |
| rx_bytes              | 97632                                |
| rx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| rx_errors             | 0                                    |
| rx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| rx_packets            | 1258                                 |
| speeds                | current: null                        |
|                       | max: null                            |
| state                 | up                                   |
| tx_bytes              | 1116                                 |
| tx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| tx_errors             | 0                                    |
| tx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| tx_packets            | 8                                    |
| type                  | iface                                |

This commands brings up the network interface eth2 located on the node with the ID 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55.

# vinfra node network iface down eth2 --node 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55
| Field                 | Value                                |
| contained_in          |                                      |
| dhcp4                 |                                      |
| dhcp4_enabled         | True                                 |
| dhcp6                 |                                      |
| dhcp6_enabled         | True                                 |
| dns4                  | -                          |
| dns6                  | []                                   |
| duplex                |                                      |
| gw4                   |                            |
| gw6                   |                                      |
| ignore_auto_dns_v4    | False                                |
| ignore_auto_dns_v6    | False                                |
| ignore_auto_routes_v4 | False                                |
| ignore_auto_routes_v6 | False                                |
| ipv4                  | []                                   |
| ipv6                  | []                                   |
| mac_addr              | 00:1c:42:f8:5b:90                    |
| mtu                   | 1500                                 |
| multicast             | True                                 |
| name                  | eth2                                 |
| node_id               | 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55 |
| plugged               | False                                |
| roles_set             |                                      |
| rx_bytes              | 97984                                |
| rx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| rx_errors             | 0                                    |
| rx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| rx_packets            | 1264                                 |
| speeds                | current: null                        |
|                       | max: null                            |
| state                 | down                                 |
| tx_bytes              | 1116                                 |
| tx_dropped            | 0                                    |
| tx_errors             | 0                                    |
| tx_overruns           | 0                                    |
| tx_packets            | 8                                    |
| type                  | iface                                |

This commands brings down the network interface eth2 located on the node with the ID 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55.

2.4.4. vinfra node network iface set

Modify network interface parameters (overwrites omitted options to interace default values):

usage: vinfra node network iface set [--ipv4 <ipv4>] [--ipv6 <ipv6>] [--gw4 <gw4>]
                                     [--gw6 <gw6>] [--mtu <mtu>] [--dhcp4 | --no-dhcp4]
                                     [--dhcp6 | --no-dhcp6] [--network <network>]
                                     [--auto-routes-v4 | --ignore-auto-routes-v4]
                                     [--auto-routes-v6 | --ignore-auto-routes-v6]
                                     [--connected-mode | --datagram-mode] --node <node>
--ipv4 <ipv4>
A comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses
--ipv6 <ipv6>
A comma-separated list of IPv6 addresses
--gw4 <gw4>
Gateway IPv4 address
--gw6 <gw6>
Gateway IPv6 address
--mtu <mtu>
MTU interface value
Enable DHCPv4
Disable DHCPv4
Enable DHCPv6
Disable DHCPv6
Enable automatic IPv4 routes
Ignore automatic IPv4 routes
Enable automatic IPv6 routes
Ignore automatic IPv6 routes
--network <network>
Network ID or name
Enable connected mode (InfiniBand interfaces only)
Enable datagram mode (InfiniBand interfaces only)
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
Network interface name


# vinfra node network iface set eth2 --network Private \
--node 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 8a378098-6760-4fe9-ac20-1f18a8ed9d2e |

This command creates a task to assign the network interface eth2 located on the node with the ID 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55 to the network Private.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 8a378098-6760-4fe9-ac20-1f18a8ed9d2e
| Field   | Value                                                         |
| args    | - 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55                        |
|         | - eth2                                                        |
| kwargs  | roles_set: 6095a997-e5f1-493d-a750-41ddf277153b               |
| name    | backend.presentation.network.tasks.NetworkInterfaceChangeTask |
| result  | contained_in: null                                            |
|         | dhcp4: null                                                   |
|         | dhcp4_enabled: false                                          |
|         | dhcp6: null                                                   |
|         | dhcp6_enabled: false                                          |
|         | duplex: null                                                  |
|         | gw4: null                                                     |
|         | gw6: null                                                     |
|         | ignore_auto_routes_v4: true                                   |
|         | ignore_auto_routes_v6: true                                   |
|         | ipv4:                                                         |
|         | -                                            |
|         | ipv6:                                                         |
|         | - fe80::21c:42ff:fe75:7c4d/64                                 |
|         | mac_addr: 00:1c:42:75:7c:4d                                   |
|         | mtu: 1500                                                     |
|         | multicast: true                                               |
|         | name: eth2                                                    |
|         | node_id: 4f96acf5-3bc8-4094-bcb6-4d1953be7b55                 |
|         | plugged: true                                                 |
|         | roles_set: 6095a997-e5f1-493d-a750-41ddf277153b               |
|         | rx_bytes: 38156                                               |
|         | rx_dropped: 0                                                 |
|         | rx_errors: 0                                                  |
|         | rx_overruns: 0                                                |
|         | rx_packets: 225                                               |
|         | speeds:                                                       |
|         |   current: null                                               |
|         |   max: null                                                   |
|         | state: up                                                     |
|         | tx_bytes: 13087                                               |
|         | tx_dropped: 0                                                 |
|         | tx_errors: 0                                                  |
|         | tx_overruns: 0                                                |
|         | tx_packets: 145                                               |
|         | type: iface                                                   |
| state   | success                                                       |
| task_id | 8a378098-6760-4fe9-ac20-1f18a8ed9d2e                          |

2.4.5. vinfra node network bond create

Create a network bonding:

usage: vinfra node network bond create [--ipv4 <ipv4>] [--ipv6 <ipv6>] [--gw4 <gw4>]
                                    [--gw6 <gw6>] [--mtu <mtu>] [--dhcp4 | --no-dhcp4]
                                    [--dhcp6 | --no-dhcp6] [--network <network>]
                                    [--auto-routes-v4 | --ignore-auto-routes-v4]
                                    [--auto-routes-v6 | --ignore-auto-routes-v6]
                                    [--bonding-opts <bonding_opts>] --node <node>
                                    --bond-type <bond-type> --ifaces <ifaces>
--ipv4 <ipv4>
A comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses
--ipv6 <ipv6>
A comma-separated list of IPv6 addresses
--gw4 <gw4>
Gateway IPv4 address
--gw6 <gw6>
Gateway IPv6 address
--mtu <mtu>
MTU interface value
Enable DHCPv4
Disable DHCPv4
Enable DHCPv6
Disable DHCPv6
Enable automatic IPv4 routes
Ignore automatic IPv4 routes
Enable automatic IPv6 routes
Ignore automatic IPv6 routes
--network <network>
Network ID or name
--bonding-opts <bonding_opts>
Additional bonding options
--bond-type <bond-type>
Bond type (balance-rr, active-backup, balance-xor, broadcast, 802.3ad, balance-tlb, balance-alb)
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
--ifaces <ifaces>
A comma-separated list of network interface names, e.g., iface1,iface2,...,iface<N>


# vinfra node network bond create --ifaces eth2,eth3 --bond-type balance-xor \
--dhcp4 --node fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | becf96ad-9e39-4bec-b82c-4e1219a196de |

This command creates a task to bond network interfaces eth2 and eth3 into bond0 of the type balance-xor on the node with the ID fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show becf96ad-9e39-4bec-b82c-4e1219a196de
| Field   | Value                                                                |
| args    | - fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225                               |
| kwargs  | bond_type: balance-xor                                               |
|         | ifaces:                                                              |
|         | - eth2                                                               |
|         | - eth3                                                               |
|         | registration_token: 3102ed1a                                         |
| name    | backend.presentation.network.tasks.NetworkInterfaceCreateBondingTask |
| result  | bond_type: balance-xor                                               |
|         | dhcp4:                                                 |
|         | dhcp4_enabled: true                                                  |
|         | dhcp6: fe80::21c:42ff:fe81:27d0                                      |
|         | dhcp6_enabled: true                                                  |
|         | duplex: null                                                         |
|         | gw4:                                                       |
|         | gw6: null                                                            |
|         | ignore_auto_routes_v4: false                                         |
|         | ignore_auto_routes_v6: false                                         |
|         | ipv4:                                                                |
|         | -                                                   |
|         | ipv6:                                                                |
|         | - fe80::21c:42ff:fe81:27d0/64                                        |
|         | mac_addr: 00:1c:42:81:27:d0                                          |
|         | mtu: 1500                                                            |
|         | multicast: true                                                      |
|         | name: bond0                                                          |
|         | node_id: fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225                        |
|         | plugged: true                                                        |
|         | roles_set: ''                                                        |
|         | rx_bytes: 3048                                                       |
|         | rx_dropped: 0                                                        |
|         | rx_errors: 0                                                         |
|         | rx_overruns: 0                                                       |
|         | rx_packets: 22                                                       |
|         | speeds:                                                              |
|         |   current: null                                                      |
|         |   max: null                                                          |
|         | state: up                                                            |
|         | tx_bytes: 1782                                                       |
|         | tx_dropped: 0                                                        |
|         | tx_errors: 0                                                         |
|         | tx_overruns: 0                                                       |
|         | tx_packets: 13                                                       |
|         | type: bonding                                                        |
| state   | success                                                              |
| task_id | becf96ad-9e39-4bec-b82c-4e1219a196de                                 |

2.4.6. vinfra node network bond delete

Delete a network bonding:

usage: vinfra node network bond delete --node <node> <iface>
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
Network interface name


# vinfra node network bond delete bond0 --node fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 91a0825a-3d33-41a0-8b87-6fc151dbc45f |

This command creates a task to delete the bond bond0 from the node with the ID fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 91a0825a-3d33-41a0-8b87-6fc151dbc45f
| Field   | Value                                                         |
| args    | - fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225                        |
|         | - bond0                                                       |
| kwargs  | {}                                                            |
| name    | backend.presentation.network.tasks.NetworkInterfaceRemoveTask |
| state   | success                                                       |
| task_id | 91a0825a-3d33-41a0-8b87-6fc151dbc45f                          |

2.4.7. vinfra node network vlan create

Create a VLAN:

usage: vinfra node network vlan create [--ipv4 <ipv4>] [--ipv6 <ipv6>] [--gw4 <gw4>]
                                       [--gw6 <gw6>] [--mtu <mtu>] [--dhcp4 | --no-dhcp4]
                                       [--dhcp6 | --no-dhcp6] [--network <network>]
                                       [--auto-routes-v4 | --ignore-auto-routes-v4]
                                       [--auto-routes-v6 | --ignore-auto-routes-v6]
                                       --node <node> --iface <iface> --tag <tag>
--ipv4 <ipv4>
A comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses
--ipv6 <ipv6>
A comma-separated list of IPv6 addresses
--gw4 <gw4>
Gateway IPv4 address
--gw6 <gw6>
Gateway IPv6 address
--mtu <mtu>
MTU interface value
Enable DHCPv4
Disable DHCPv4
Enable DHCPv6
Disable DHCPv6
Enable automatic IPv4 routes
Ignore automatic IPv4 routes
Enable automatic IPv6 routes
Ignore automatic IPv6 routes
--network <network>
Network ID or name
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
--iface <iface>
Interface name
--tag <tag>
VLAN tag number


# vinfra node network vlan create --iface eth2 --tag 100 --dhcp4 \
--node fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 0b978acd-367b-47ad-8572-4f4e6ffb8877 |

This command creates a task to create a VLAN with the tag 100 on the network interface eth2 on the node with the ID fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 0b978acd-367b-47ad-8572-4f4e6ffb8877
| Field   | Value                                                             |
| args    | - fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225                            |
| kwargs  | iface: eth2                                                       |
|         | tag: 100                                                          |
| name    | backend.presentation.network.tasks.NetworkInterfaceCreateVlanTask |
| result  | built_on: eth2                                                    |
|         | dhcp4: null                                                       |
|         | dhcp4_enabled: false                                              |
|         | dhcp6: null                                                       |
|         | dhcp6_enabled: false                                              |
|         | duplex: null                                                      |
|         | gw4: null                                                         |
|         | gw6: null                                                         |
|         | ignore_auto_routes_v4: true                                       |
|         | ignore_auto_routes_v6: true                                       |
|         | ipv4: []                                                          |
|         | ipv6:                                                             |
|         | - fe80::21c:42ff:fe81:27d0/64                                     |
|         | mac_addr: 00:1c:42:81:27:d0                                       |
|         | mtu: 1500                                                         |
|         | multicast: true                                                   |
|         | name: eth2.100                                                    |
|         | node_id: fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225                     |
|         | plugged: true                                                     |
|         | roles_set: ''                                                     |
|         | rx_bytes: 0                                                       |
|         | rx_dropped: 0                                                     |
|         | rx_errors: 0                                                      |
|         | rx_overruns: 0                                                    |
|         | rx_packets: 0                                                     |
|         | speeds:                                                           |
|         |   current: null                                                   |
|         |   max: null                                                       |
|         | state: up                                                         |
|         | tag: 100                                                          |
|         | tx_bytes: 738                                                     |
|         | tx_dropped: 0                                                     |
|         | tx_errors: 0                                                      |
|         | tx_overruns: 0                                                    |
|         | tx_packets: 7                                                     |
|         | type: vlan                                                        |
| state   | success                                                           |
| task_id | 0b978acd-367b-47ad-8572-4f4e6ffb8877                              |

2.4.8. vinfra node network vlan delete

Delete a VLAN:

usage: vinfra node network vlan delete --node <node> <iface>
--node <node>
Node ID or hostname
Network interface name


# vinfra node network vlan delete eth2.100 --node fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | b7e94ae1-14aa-4e73-b71a-605cf8b3f458 |

This command creates a task to delete the VLAN interface eth2.100 from the node with the ID fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show b7e94ae1-14aa-4e73-b71a-605cf8b3f458
| Field   | Value                                                         |
| args    | - fd1e46de-6e17-4571-bf6b-1ac34ec1c225                        |
|         | - eth2.100                                                    |
| kwargs  | {}                                                            |
| name    | backend.presentation.network.tasks.NetworkInterfaceRemoveTask |
| state   | success                                                       |
| task_id | b7e94ae1-14aa-4e73-b71a-605cf8b3f458                          |