4.2. Managing Users

4.2.1. vinfra cluster user list-available-roles

List available user roles:

usage: vinfra cluster user list-available-roles


# vinfra cluster user list-available-roles
| description                                                       | id      | name          |
| Can create cluster, join nodes to cluster, and manage (assign and | cluster | Cluster       |
| release) disks.                                                   |         |               |
| Can add and remove SSH keys for cluster nodes access.             | ssh     | SSH           |
| Viewer role (read only)                                           | viewer  | Viewer        |
| Can create and manage compute cluster.                            | compute | Compute       |
| Can modify network settings and roles.                            | network | Network       |
| Can install updates.                                              | updates | Updates       |
| Can perform all management operations.                            | admin   | Administrator |
| Can create and manage S3 cluster.                                 | s3      | S3            |
| Can create and manage Acronis Backup Gateway.                     | abgw    | ABGW          |
| Can create and manage iSCSI targets LUNs and CHAP users.          | iscsi   | iSCSI         |
| Can create and manage NFS.                                        | nfs     | NFS           |

This command lists user roles available in Acronis Software-Defined Infrastructure.

4.2.2. vinfra cluster user create

Add an admin panel user:

usage: vinfra cluster user create [--description <description>] [--enable | --disable]
                                  [--roles <roles>] <name>
--description <description>
User description
Enable user
Disable user
--roles <roles>
A comma-separated list of user roles
User name


# vinfra cluster user create user1 --roles viewer --enable \
--description "A guest user"
| Field             | Value                                  |
| description       | A guest user                           |
| external_id       |                                        |
| external_provider |                                        |
| id                | 538e54fdeb13498e8f0bbff6773de5a1       |
| is_enabled        | True                                   |
| is_group          | False                                  |
| is_superuser      | False                                  |
| name              | user1                                  |
| roles             | - description: Viewer role (read only) |
|                   |   id: viewer                           |
|                   |   name: Viewer                         |

This command creates and enables the user user1, assigns it the role Viewer, and sets its password and description.

4.2.3. vinfra cluster user list

List all admin panel users:

usage: vinfra cluster user list


# vinfra cluster user list
| id                               | name                  | is_enabled | is_superuser | roles |
| 60b67333c545442f98c084a56db7a06d | admin                 | True       | True         |       |

This command lists users registered in Acronis Software-Defined Infrastructure.

4.2.4. vinfra cluster user show

Show details of an admin panel user:

usage: vinfra cluster user show <user>
User ID or name


# vinfra cluster user show admin
| Field             | Value                            |
| description       |                                  |
| external_id       |                                  |
| external_provider |                                  |
| id                | 60b67333c545442f98c084a56db7a06d |
| is_enabled        | True                             |
| is_group          | False                            |
| is_superuser      | True                             |
| name              | admin                            |
| roles             |                                  |

This command shows the details of the user admin.

4.2.5. vinfra cluster user set

Modify admin panel user parameters:

usage: vinfra cluster user set [--description <description>] [--enable | --disable]
                               [--set-roles <roles> | --add-roles <roles> |
                               --del-roles <roles>] [--password] [--name <name>] <user>
--description <description>
User description
Enable user
Disable user
--set-roles <roles>
A comma-separated list of user roles to set (overwrites the current user roles)
--add-roles <roles>
A comma-separated list of user roles to add
--del-roles <roles>
A comma separated list of user roles to remove
User password
--name <name>
A new name for the user
User ID or name


# vinfra cluster user set admin --description "The admin"
| Field             | Value                            |
| description       | The admin                        |
| external_id       |                                  |
| external_provider |                                  |
| id                | 60b67333c545442f98c084a56db7a06d |
| is_enabled        | True                             |
| is_group          | False                            |
| is_superuser      | True                             |
| name              | admin                            |
| roles             |                                  |

This command adds a description for the user admin.

4.2.6. vinfra cluster user change-password

Change password of an admin panel user:

usage: vinfra cluster user change-password


# vinfra cluster user change-password
Current password:
New password:
Confirm password:

This command changes the password of the current user.

4.2.7. vinfra cluster user delete

Remove an admin panel user:

usage: vinfra cluster user delete <user>
User ID or name


# vinfra cluster user delete user1
Operation successful

This command deletes the user user1.