4.5. Configuring Management Node High Availability

4.5.1. vinfra cluster ha create

Create a HA configuration:

usage: vinfra cluster ha create --virtual-ip <network:ip> --nodes <nodes> [--force]
--virtual-ip <network:ip>

HA configuration mapping in the format:

  • network: network to include in the HA configuration (must include at least one of these traffic types: Internal management, Admin panel, or Compute API);
  • ip: virtual IP address that will be used in the HA configuration.

Specify this option multiple times to create a HA configuration for multiple networks.

--nodes <nodes>
A comma-separated list of node IDs or hostnames
Skip checks for minimal hardware requirements


# vinfra cluster ha create --virtual-ip Private: \
--virtual-ip Public: --nodes 94d58604-6f30-4339-8578-adb7903b7277,\
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 80a00e55-335d-4d41-bac4-5fee4791d423 |

This command creates a task to create a management node HA cluster from nodes with the IDs 94d58604-6f30-4339-8578-adb7903b7277, f59dabdb-bd1c-4944-8af2-26b8fe9ff8d4, and 7d7d37b8-4c06-4f1a-b3a6-4b54257d70ce.

The command must specify the network with the traffic type Internal management as well as one with the traffic type Admin panel.


After the HA cluster has been created, the admin panel will only be accessible at the provided public IP address. Log in to said address via SSH to continue managing Acronis Software-Defined Infrastructure with the vinfra CLI tool. You may also need to set the VINFRA_PASSWORD environment variable again, because you will access different HA cluster nodes on each log in where it may not have been set.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 80a00e55-335d-4d41-bac4-5fee4791d423
| Field   | Value                                            |
| args    | - - - 6095a997-e5f1-493d-a750-41ddf277153b       |
|         |     -                              |
|         |   - - 358bdc39-cd8b-4565-8ebf-e7c12dcd1cf7       |
|         |     -                               |
|         | - - 94d58604-6f30-4339-8578-adb7903b7277         |
|         |   - f59dabdb-bd1c-4944-8af2-26b8fe9ff8d4         |
|         |   - 7d7d37b8-4c06-4f1a-b3a6-4b54257d70ce         |
| kwargs  | {}                                               |
| name    | backend.presentation.ha.tasks.CreateHaConfigTask |
| state   | success                                          |
| task_id | 80a00e55-335d-4d41-bac4-5fee4791d423             |

4.5.2. vinfra cluster ha join

Join node to the HA configuration:

usage: vinfra cluster ha join --nodes <nodes>
--nodes <nodes>
A comma-separated list of node IDs or hostnames


# vinfra cluster ha join --nodes 4b83a87d-9adf-472c-91f0-782c47b2d5f1
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 565e9146-254b-4f7a-a2ff-b7119c95baa9 |

This command creates a task to add the node with the ID 4b83a87d-9adf-472c-91f0-782c47b2d5f1 to the management node HA cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 565e9146-254b-4f7a-a2ff-b7119c95baa9
| Field   | Value                                         |
| args    | - - 4b83a87d-9adf-472c-91f0-782c47b2d5f1      |
| kwargs  | {}                                            |
| name    | backend.presentation.ha.tasks.JoinHaNodesTask |
| state   | success                                       |
| task_id | 565e9146-254b-4f7a-a2ff-b7119c95baa9          |

4.5.3. vinfra cluster ha show

Display the HA configuration:

usage: vinfra cluster ha show


# vinfra cluster ha show
| Field                 | Value                                             |
| ha_cluster_location   |                        |
| nodes                 | - id: 7d7d37b8-4c06-4f1a-b3a6-4b54257d70ce        |
|                       |   interface: xxx                                  |
|                       |   ipaddr:                           |
|                       |   is_primary: false                               |
|                       | - id: 94d58604-6f30-4339-8578-adb7903b7277        |
|                       |   interface: xxx                                  |
|                       |   ipaddr:                           |
|                       |   is_primary: true                                |
|                       | - id: f59dabdb-bd1c-4944-8af2-26b8fe9ff8d4        |
|                       |   interface: xxx                                  |
|                       |   ipaddr:                           |
|                       |   is_primary: false                               |
|                       | - id: 4b83a87d-9adf-472c-91f0-782c47b2d5f1        |
|                       |   interface: xxx                                  |
|                       |   ipaddr:                           |
|                       |   is_primary: false                               |
| primary_node_location |                          |
| virtual_ips           | - ip:                               |
|                       |   roles_set: 6095a997-e5f1-493d-a750-41ddf277153b |
|                       | - ip:                                |
|                       |   roles_set: 358bdc39-cd8b-4565-8ebf-e7c12dcd1cf7 |

This command shows the management node HA cluster configuration.

4.5.4. vinfra cluster ha release

Relase node from the HA configuration:

usage: vinfra cluster ha release --nodes <nodes>
--nodes <nodes>
A comma-separated list of node IDs or hostnames


# vinfra cluster ha release --nodes 4b83a87d-9adf-472c-91f0-782c47b2d5f1
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | c1f3e9c3-0a7b-455a-96d4-cef3b7e86e62 |

This command creates a task to release the node with the ID 4b83a87d-9adf-472c-91f0-782c47b2d5f1 from the management node HA cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show c1f3e9c3-0a7b-455a-96d4-cef3b7e86e62
| Field   | Value                                            |
| args    | - - 4b83a87d-9adf-472c-91f0-782c47b2d5f1         |
| kwargs  | {}                                               |
| name    | backend.presentation.ha.tasks.DisjoinHaNodesTask |
| state   | success                                          |
| task_id | c1f3e9c3-0a7b-455a-96d4-cef3b7e86e62             |