2.3. Managing traffic types

2.3.1. vinfra cluster traffic-type create

Create a new traffic type:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type create --port <port> <traffic-type-name>
--port <port>
Traffic type port
Traffic type name


# vinfra cluster traffic-type create "MyTrafficType" --port 6900
| Field     | Value           |
| exclusive | False           |
| name      | MyTrafficType   |
| port      | 6900            |
| type      | custom          |

This command creates a custom traffic type MyTrafficType on port 6900.

2.3.2. vinfra cluster traffic-type list

List available traffic types:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type list [--long]
Enable access and listing of all fields of objects.


# vinfra cluster traffic-type list
| name                | type       | exclusive | port |
| Storage             | predefined | True      |      |
| Internal management | predefined | True      |      |
| OSTOR private       | predefined | True      |      |
| S3 public           | predefined | False     |      |
| iSCSI               | predefined | False     |      |
| NFS                 | predefined | False     |      |
| ABGW private        | predefined | True      |      |
| ABGW public         | predefined | False     |      |
| Admin panel         | predefined | False     |      |
| SSH                 | predefined | False     |      |
| VM public           | predefined | False     |      |
| VM private          | predefined | True      |      |
| Compute API         | predefined | True      |      |
| MyTrafficType       | custom     | False     | 6900 |

This command lists all traffic types in Acronis Cyber Infrastructure.

2.3.3. vinfra cluster traffic-type show

Show details of a traffic type:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type show <traffic-type>
Traffic type name


# vinfra cluster traffic-type show Storage
| Field     | Value      |
| exclusive | True       |
| name      | Storage    |
| port      |            |
| type      | predefined |

This command shows the details of the traffic type Storage.

2.3.4. vinfra cluster traffic-type set

Modify traffic type parameters:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type set [--name <name>] [--port <port>] <traffic-type>
--name <name>
A new name for the traffic type
--port <port>
A new port for the traffic type
Traffic type name


# vinfra cluster traffic-type set "MyTrafficType" \
--name "MyOtherTrafficType" --port 6901
| Field     | Value              |
| exclusive | False              |
| name      | MyOtherTrafficType |
| port      | 6901               |
| type      | custom             |

This command renames the traffic type MyTrafficType to MyOtherTrafficType and changes its port to 6901.

2.3.5. vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment start

Start traffic type assignment:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment start --traffic-type <traffic-type>
                                                    --target-network <target-network>
--traffic-type <traffic-type>
Traffic type name
--target-network <target-network>
Target network ID or name


# vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment start --traffic-type Storage --target-network Public
| Field         | Value                                                              |
| configuration | target_network: 69ad1db5-512f-4994-ab08-7d643fdb7b39               |
|               | traffic_type: Storage                                              |
| link          | href: /api/v2/network/traffic-type-assignment/285be91b-77ee-<...>/ |
|               | method: GET                                                        |
|               | rel: traffic-type-assignment-details                               |
| operation     | traffic-type-assignment                                            |
| progress      | 0.0                                                                |
| state         | preparing                                                          |
| task_id       | 285be91b-77ee-4f8f-a118-8410ab792148                               |
| transitions   | 0                                                                  |

This command starts assignment of the Storage traffic type to the Public network.

2.3.6. vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment show

Display traffic type assignment details:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment show [--full] [--task-id <task-id>]
Show full information
-task-id <task-id>
The task ID of traffic type assignment


# vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment show
| Field       | Value                                                              |
| link        | href: /api/v2/network/traffic-type-assignment/285be91b-77ee-<...>/ |
|             | method: GET                                                        |
|             | rel: traffic-type-assignment-details                               |
| operation   | traffic-type-assignment                                            |
| progress    | 1.0                                                                |
| state       | test-passed                                                        |
| task_id     | 285be91b-77ee-4f8f-a118-8410ab792148                               |
| transitions | 3                                                                  |

This command shows the details of the current traffic type assignment: the new network configuration has been tested and can be applied.

2.3.7. vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment apply

Continue traffic type assignment to apply the new network configuration:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment apply


# vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment apply
| Field       | Value                                                              |
| link        | href: /api/v2/network/traffic-type-assignment/285be91b-77ee-<...>/ |
|             | method: GET                                                        |
|             | rel: traffic-type-assignment-details                               |
| operation   | traffic-type-assignment                                            |
| progress    | 1.0                                                                |
| state       | test-passed                                                        |
| task_id     | 285be91b-77ee-4f8f-a118-8410ab792148                               |
| transitions | 3                                                                  |

This command continues the traffic type assignment and applies the new network configuration.

2.3.8. vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment retry

Retry an operation for traffic type assignment:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment retry


# vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment retry
| Field       | Value                                                              |
| link        | href: /api/v2/network/traffic-type-assignment/f633af90-302e-<...>/ |
|             | method: GET                                                        |
|             | rel: traffic-type-assignment-details                               |
| operation   | traffic-type-assignment                                            |
| progress    | 0.444444444444                                                     |
| state       | test-failed                                                        |
| task_id     | f633af90-302e-4299-8055-d3e400dc0ea7                               |
| transitions | 3                                                                  |

This command retries the failed operation for the traffic type assignment.

2.3.9. vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment revert

Revert traffic type assignment:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment revert


# vinfra cluster traffic-type assignment revert
| Field       | Value                                                                   |
| link        | href: /api/v2/network/traffic-type-assignment/f633af90-302e-4299-<...>/ |
|             | method: GET                                                             |
|             | rel: traffic-type-assignment-details                                    |
| operation   | traffic-type-assignment                                                 |
| progress    | 1.0                                                                     |
| state       | test-passed                                                             |
| task_id     | f633af90-302e-4299-8055-d3e400dc0ea7                                    |
| transitions | 5                                                                       |

This command reverts the traffic type assignment to the previous network configuration.

2.3.10. vinfra cluster traffic-type delete

Delete a traffic type:

usage: vinfra cluster traffic-type delete <traffic-type>
Traffic type name


# vinfra cluster traffic-type delete "MyOtherTrafficType"
Operation successful

This command deletes the custom traffic type MyOtherTrafficType.