2.2. Managing networks

2.2.1. vinfra cluster network create

Create a new network:

usage: vinfra cluster network create [--traffic-types <traffic-types>] <network-name>
--traffic-types <traffic-types>
A comma-separated list of traffic type IDs or names
Network name


# vinfra cluster network create MyNet --traffic-types ssh
| Field | Value                                |
| id    | 03d5eeb3-1833-4626-885d-dd066635f5de |
| name  | MyNet                                |
| roles | - SSH                                |
| type  | Custom                               |

This command creates a custom network MyNet and assigns the traffic type SSH to it.

2.2.2. vinfra cluster network list

List available networks:

usage: vinfra cluster network list [--long]
Enable access and listing of all fields of objects.


# vinfra cluster network list
| id                                   | name    | roles                 |
| 358bdc39-cd8b-4565-8ebf-e7c12dcd1cf7 | Public  | - ABGW public         |
|                                      |         | - iSCSI               |
|                                      |         | - NFS                 |
|                                      |         | - S3 public           |
|                                      |         | - SSH                 |
|                                      |         | - Admin Panel         |
| 6095a997-e5f1-493d-a750-41ddf277153b | Private | - ABGW private        |
|                                      |         | - Internal Management |
|                                      |         | - OSTOR private       |
|                                      |         | - SSH                 |
|                                      |         | - Storage             |

This command lists all networks in Acronis Cyber Infrastructure.

2.2.3. vinfra cluster network show

Show details of a network:

usage: vinfra cluster network show <network>
Network ID or name


# vinfra cluster network show MyNet
| Field | Value                                |
| id    | 03d5eeb3-1833-4626-885d-dd066635f5de |
| name  | MyNet                                |
| roles | - SSH                                |
| type  | Custom                               |

This command shows the details of the custom network MyNet.

2.2.4. vinfra cluster network set

Modify network parameters:

usage: vinfra cluster network set [--name <network-name>]
                                  [--traffic-types <traffic-types> |
                                  --add-traffic-types <traffic-types> |
                                  --del-traffic-types <traffic-types>]
--name <network-name>
Network name
--traffic-types <traffic-types>
A comma-separated list of traffic type names (overwrites network’s current traffic types)
--add-traffic-types <traffic-types>
A comma-separated list of traffic type names (adds the specified traffic types to the network)
--del-traffic-types <traffic-types>
A comma-separated list of traffic type names (removes the specified traffic types from the network)
Network ID or name


# vinfra cluster network set MyNet --name MyOtherNet --add-traffic-types iscsi,nfs
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | b29f6f66-37d7-47de-b02e-9f4087ad932b |

This command creates a task to rename the network MyNet to MyOtherNet and assign to it the traffic types iSCSI and NFS.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show b29f6f66-37d7-47de-b02e-9f4087ad932b
| Field   | Value                                                       |
| args    | - 03d5eeb3-1833-4626-885d-dd066635f5de                      |
| kwargs  | name: MyOtherNet                                            |
|         | roles:                                                      |
|         | - ssh                                                       |
|         | - iscsi                                                     |
|         | - nfs                                                       |
| name    | backend.presentation.network.roles.tasks.RolesSetChangeTask |
| result  | id: 03d5eeb3-1833-4626-885d-dd066635f5de                    |
|         | name: MyOtherNet                                            |
|         | roles:                                                      |
|         | - iSCSI                                                     |
|         | - NFS                                                       |
|         | - SSH                                                       |
|         | type: Custom                                                |
| state   | success                                                     |
| task_id | b29f6f66-37d7-47de-b02e-9f4087ad932b                        |

2.2.5. vinfra cluster network set-bulk

Modify traffic types of multiple networks:

usage: vinfra cluster network set-bulk --network <network>:<traffic-types>
--network <network>:<traffic-types>

Network configuration in the format:

  • <network>: network ID or name.
  • <traffic-types>: a comma-separated list of traffic type names

This option can be used multiple times.


# vinfra cluster network set-bulk --network MyNet1:snmp --network MyNet2:ssh,snmp
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | c774f55d-c45b-42cd-ac9e-16fc196e9283 |

This command creates a task to change the traffic type set of the network MyNet1 to SNMP and that of MyNet2 to SSH and SNMP.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show c774f55d-c45b-42cd-ac9e-16fc196e9283
| Field   | Value                                                           |
| details |                                                                 |
| name    | backend.presentation.network.roles.tasks.RolesSetBulkChangeTask |
| result  | - id: adf49487-9deb-4180-bb0c-08a906257981                      |
|         |   name: MyNet1                                                  |
|         |   roles:                                                        |
|         |   - SNMP                                                        |
|         |   type: Custom                                                  |
|         | - id: 3f6ff4a3-31bc-440b-a36f-d755c80d5932                      |
|         |   name: MyNet2                                                  |
|         |   roles:                                                        |
|         |   - SNMP                                                        |
|         |   - SSH                                                         |
|         |   type: Custom                                                  |
| state   | success                                                         |
| task_id | c774f55d-c45b-42cd-ac9e-16fc196e9283                            |

2.2.6. vinfra cluster network migration start

Start network migration:

usage: vinfra cluster network migration start <network> [--subnet <subnet>]
                                              [--netmask <netmask>] [--gateway <gateway>]
                                              [--shutdown] [--node <node> <address>]
--network <network>
Network ID or name
--subnet <subnet>
New network subnet
--netmask <netmask>
New network mask
--gateway <gateway>
New network gateway
Prepare the cluster to be shut down manually for relocation
--node <node> <address>

New node address in the format:

  • <node>: node ID or hostname
  • <address>: IPv4 address

This option can be used multiple times.


# vinfra cluster network migration start --network "Private" --subnet \
--netmask --node node001 --node node002 \
--node node003
| Field                      | Value                                            |
| configuration              | network_id: 3e3619b7-2c93-4e90-a187-135c6f8b9060 |
| link                       | href: /api/v2/network/migration/2d4ec3a9-<...>/  |
|                            | method: GET                                      |
|                            | rel: network-migration-details                   |
| operation                  | network-migration                                |
| progress                   | 0.0                                              |
| single_interface_migration | False                                            |
| state                      | preparing                                        |
| task_id                    | 2d4ec3a9-7714-479d-a03c-1efbe6ffecf5             |
| transitions                | 0                                                |

This command starts migration of the Private network to the new network configuration.

2.2.7. vinfra cluster network migration show

Display network migration details:

usage: vinfra cluster network migration show [--full] [--task-id <task-id>]
Show full information
--task-id <task-id>
The task ID of network migration


# vinfra cluster network migration show
| Field                      | Value                                                |
| link                       | href: /api/v2/network/migration/2d4ec3a9-7714-<...>/ |
|                            | method: GET                                          |
|                            | rel: network-migration-details                       |
| operation                  | network-migration                                    |
| progress                   | 1.0                                                  |
| single_interface_migration | False                                                |
| state                      | test-passed                                          |
| task_id                    | 2d4ec3a9-7714-479d-a03c-1efbe6ffecf5                 |
| transitions                | 5                                                    |

This command shows the details of the current network migration: the new network configuration has been tested and can be applied.

2.2.8. vinfra cluster network migration apply

Continue network migration to apply the new network configuration:

usage: vinfra cluster network migration apply


# vinfra cluster network migration apply
| Field                      | Value                                                |
| link                       | href: /api/v2/network/migration/2d4ec3a9-7714-<...>/ |
|                            | method: GET                                          |
|                            | rel: network-migration-details                       |
| operation                  | network-migration                                    |
| progress                   | 1.0                                                  |
| single_interface_migration | False                                                |
| state                      | test-passed                                          |
| task_id                    | 2d4ec3a9-7714-479d-a03c-1efbe6ffecf5                 |
| transitions                | 5                                                    |

This command continues the network migration and applies the new network configuration.

2.2.9. vinfra cluster network migration retry

Retry an operation for network migration:

usage: vinfra cluster network migration retry [--subnet <subnet>] [--netmask <netmask>]
                                              [--node <node> <address>]
--subnet <subnet>
New network subnet
--netmask <netmask>
New network mask
--node <node> <address>

New node address in the format:

  • <node>: node ID or hostname
  • <address>: IPv4 address

This option can be used multiple times.


# vinfra cluster network migration retry --subnet --netmask \
--node node001 --node node002 --node node003
| Field                      | Value                                                |
| link                       | href: /api/v2/network/migration/2d4ec3a9-7714-<...>/ |
|                            | method: GET                                          |
|                            | rel: network-migration-details                       |
| operation                  | network-migration                                    |
| progress                   | 0.9                                                  |
| single_interface_migration | False                                                |
| state                      | failed-to-apply                                      |
| task_id                    | 2ce42f0e-6401-47c1-a52f-33e7c68d0df4                 |
| transitions                | 5                                                    |

This command retries the failed operation for the network migration with new target IP addresses.

2.2.10. vinfra cluster network migration revert

Revert network migration:

usage: vinfra cluster network migration revert


# vinfra cluster network migration revert
| Field                      | Value                                                |
| link                       | href: /api/v2/network/migration/2d4ec3a9-7714-<...>/ |
|                            | method: GET                                          |
|                            | rel: network-migration-details                       |
| operation                  | network-migration                                    |
| progress                   | 1.0                                                  |
| single_interface_migration | False                                                |
| state                      | test-passed                                          |
| task_id                    | 2d4ec3a9-7714-479d-a03c-1efbe6ffecf5                 |
| transitions                | 5                                                    |

This command reverts the network configuration to the previous one.

2.2.11. vinfra cluster network migration resume

Resume network migration after the cluster shutdown:

usage: vinfra cluster network migration resume


# vinfra cluster network migration resume
| Field                      | Value                                                |
| link                       | href: /api/v2/network/migration/2d4ec3a9-7714-<...>/ |
|                            | method: GET                                          |
|                            | rel: network-migration-details                       |
| operation                  | network-migration                                    |
| progress                   | 1.0                                                  |
| single_interface_migration | False                                                |
| state                      | test-passed                                          |
| task_id                    | 2d4ec3a9-7714-479d-a03c-1efbe6ffecf5                 |
| transitions                | 5                                                    |

This command resumes the network migration after the cluster has been manually shut down and relocated.

2.2.12. vinfra cluster network reconfiguration show

Display network reconfiguration details:

usage: vinfra cluster network reconfiguration show


# vinfra cluster network reconfiguration show
| Field     | Value                                                              |
| link      | href: /api/v2/network/traffic-type-assignment/285be91b-77ee-<...>/ |
|           | method: GET                                                        |
|           | rel: traffic-type-assignment-details                               |
| operation | traffic-type-assignment                                            |
| task_id   | 285be91b-77ee-4f8f-a118-8410ab792148                               |

This command shows the details about the current network reconfiguration: traffic type assignment is in progress.

2.2.13. vinfra cluster network conversion precheck

Check VLAN network interfaces to Open vSwitch VLAN conversion:

usage: vinfra cluster network conversion precheck --network <network>
                                                  [--physical-network-name <name>]
--network <network>
The ID or name of the network, which is connected to a VLAN interface
--physical-network-name <name>
The name of a new infrastructure network for trunk network interfaces. Specify this option if your trunk network interfaces are not assigned to any infrastructure network. The new infrastructure network will be automatically created with the given name and assigned to the trunk interfaces.


# vinfra cluster network conversion precheck --network mynet
| Field               | Value                                           |
| affected_interfaces | - interface: eth0                               |
|                     |   node_id: 13cb6cbf-0b9b-be0f-bb56-8ed6a0e9225c |
|                     |   vlans:                                        |
|                     |   - eth0.1                                      |
|                     | - interface: eth0                               |
|                     |   node_id: 6e5d9e91-5c4e-a874-38cd-fe6f4bef10a4 |
|                     |   vlans:                                        |
|                     |   - eth0.1                                      |
|                     | - interface: eth0                               |
|                     |   node_id: 1053e85b-351c-6113-5623-e0c6c64995e7 |
|                     |   vlans:                                        |
|                     |   - eth0.1                                      |
| affected_networks   | - mynet                                         |
| physical_network    | Public                                          |

This command checks whether VLAN network interfaces connected to the network mynet can be converted to Open vSwitch VLAN.

2.2.14. vinfra cluster network conversion start

Convert VLAN network interfaces to Open vSwitch VLAN, and connect a new network to physical interfaces if they have no assignment:

usage: vinfra cluster network conversion start --network <network>
                                               [--physical-network-name <name>]
--network <network>
The ID or name of the network, which is connected to VLAN interfaces
--physical-network-name <name>
The name of a new infrastructure network for trunk network interfaces. Specify this option if your trunk network interfaces are not assigned to any infrastructure network. The new infrastructure network will be automatically created with the given name and assigned to the trunk interfaces.


# vinfra cluster network conversion start --network mynet
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 058fc247-03a8-49fa-90e1-1e073dbafec9 |

This command creates a task to convert VLAN network interfaces connected to the network mynet to Open vSwitch VLAN.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 058fc247-03a8-49fa-90e1-1e073dbafec9
| Field   | Value                                                             |
| details |                                                                   |
| name    | backend.business.models.network.convert2ovs.tasks.Convert2OVSTask |
| result  |                                                                   |
| state   | success                                                           |
| task_id | 058fc247-03a8-49fa-90e1-1e073dbafec9                              |

2.2.15. vinfra cluster network conversion status

Get VLAN network interface conversion status:

usage: vinfra cluster network conversion status <task>
Task ID


# vinfra cluster network conversion status 058fc247-03a8-49fa-90e1-1e073dbafec9
| Field               | Value                                           |
| affected_interfaces | - interface: eth0                               |
|                     |   node_id: 13cb6cbf-0b9b-be0f-bb56-8ed6a0e9225c |
|                     |   vlans:                                        |
|                     |   - eth0.1                                      |
|                     | - interface: eth0                               |
|                     |   node_id: 6e5d9e91-5c4e-a874-38cd-fe6f4bef10a4 |
|                     |   vlans:                                        |
|                     |   - eth0.1                                      |
|                     | - interface: eth0                               |
|                     |   node_id: 1053e85b-351c-6113-5623-e0c6c64995e7 |
|                     |   vlans:                                        |
|                     |   - eth0.1                                      |
| flow                | done                                            |
| physical_network    | Public                                          |
| state               | success                                         |
| task_id             | 058fc247-03a8-49fa-90e1-1e073dbafec9            |

This command shows the details of the VLAN network interface conversion.

2.2.16. vinfra cluster network delete

Delete a network:

usage: vinfra cluster network delete <network>
Network ID or name


# vinfra cluster network delete MyOtherNet
Operation successful

This command deletes the network MyOtherNet.