4. Obtaining Usage Statistics via REST API

Thi section describes how to obtain usage statistics via REST API for billing or other purposes.


Delete statistics objects after collecting the required data.

4.1. Listing Statistics Objects

You can list all available statistics objects with the ostor-usage service and no parameters. The output only contains objects that have not been deleted. For example:

# s3_curl GET "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-usage"
    "nr_items": 7,
    "truncated": false,
    "items": [

4.2. Querying Statistics Objects

You can display usage statistics with the ostor-usage service and parameter obj specifying the statistics object. The output includes the accessed buckets, user ID, and counters. For example:

# s3_curl GET "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-usage&obj=s3-usage-8000000000000065-2017-02-01T16:31:54.000Z-1800"
    "fmt_version": 1,
    "service_id": 8000000000000065,
    "start_ts": 1485966714,
    "period": 1390,
    "nr_items": 1,
    "items": [
            "key": {
                "bucket": "client",
                "epoch": 98309,
                "user_id": "b81d6c5f895a8c86",
                "tag": ""
            "counters": {
                "ops": {
                    "put": 1,
                    "get": 3,
                    "list": 0,
                    "other": 0
                "net_io": {
                    "uploaded": 41258,
                    "downloaded": 45511311

4.3. Deleting Statistics Objects

You can delete existing statistics objects with the ostor-usage service and parameter obj specifying the statistics object:

# s3_curl DELETE "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-usage&obj=s3-usage-8000000000000065-2017-02-01T16:31:54.000Z-1800"