2.1. Installing Acronis StorageΒΆ

To install Acronis Storage, do the following:

  1. Burn the Acronis Storage distribution image on a DVD if you have a physical server or mount the image in a virtual machine.

  2. Boot the server from the DVD or VM from the image.

  3. On the welcome screen, choose Install Acronis Storage. After the installation program loads, you will see the Installation Summary screen.

  4. Open the INSTALLATION DESTINATION screen and select a device in the Device Selection section. Configure other options if required.

  5. Open the ACRONIS STORAGE screen, in the Component Installation section, choose Management Panel and Storage.

  6. Make sure that the appropriate network interface is selected in both Management Panel network and Management network drop-down lists.

  7. Create a password for a superadmin account of the management panel, confirm it in the corresponding field, and memorize it.

  8. Click Done and Begin Installation. While Acronis Storage is installing, create a password for the root account. Installation will not finish until the password is created.

Once the installation is complete, the node will reboot automatically and you will see a welcome prompt with the address at which you can log in to the Acronis Storage management panel. For example:



If prompted, add the security certificate to browser’s exceptions.