4.1. Mounting NFS Exports on LinuxΒΆ

You can mount an NFS export created in Acronis Software-Defined Infrastructure like any other directory exported via NFS. You will need the share IP address (or hostname) and the volume identifier.

In console, run a command like the following:

# mount -t nfs -o vers=4.0<share_name>/ /mnt/nfs


  • -o vers=4.0 is the NFS version to use.

    To use pNFS, change -o vers=4.0 to -o vers=4.1. In all other cases, make sure to always specify NFS version 4.0 or newer.

  • is the share IP address. You can also use the share hostname.

  • /<share_name>/ is the root export path. For user exports, specify their full path, for example: /<share_name>/export1.

  • /mnt/nfs is an existing local directory to mount the export to.