Installing license keys

To install a license key

Admin panel

  1. If you are switching from an SPLA, ask your service provider to terminate the agreement by either disabling the Storage application for your account or deleting the account.
  2. On the Settings > License screen, click Upgrade, and then click Register key.

  3. In the Register license key window, do the following:

    1. Paste the license key, and then click Next.

    2. If you are activating from a non-trial license, select one of the following:

      • Upgrade, to add storage capacity to the active license.
      • Prolong, to prolong the license that is about to expire.
    3. Click Activate.

The expiration date or storage capacity will change according to what the key grants.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra cluster license load --key <license-key> --type <license-type>
--key <license-key>
License key to register. Specify this option multiple times to register multiple keys.
--type <license-type>
License type (prolong or upgrade)

For example, to install the license from the key A38600-3P6W74-RZSK58-Y9ZH05-2X7J48, run:

# vinfra cluster license load --key A38600ML-3P6W746P-RZSK58BV-Y9ZH05Q5-2X7J48J6-KVRXRYPY-Z2FK7ZQ6-Y7FGZNYF \
--type upgrade

You can view the details of the currently installed license in the vinfra cluster license show output:

# vinfra cluster license show
| Field      | Value                  |
| capacity   | 10995116277760         |
| expiration | 2021-01-10T12:42:00    |
| free_size  | 10973383165601         |
| spla       | registered: false      |
|            | registration_url: null |
| status     | active                 |
| total_size | 10995116277760         |
| used_size  | 21733112159            |