Provisioning object storage space

Object storage space is provisioned via S3 buckets created in the S3 cluster.


  • Only one S3 cluster can be created on top of the storage cluster.
  • All components of the S3 cluster should run on multiple nodes for high availability. Name server and object server components in the S3 cluster are automatically balanced and migrated between S3 nodes. S3 gateways are not automatically migrated; their high availability is based on DNS records. You need to maintain the DNS records manually when adding or removing S3 gateways.


Provisioning overview

  1. Create the S3 cluster.
  2. Add S3 users.
  3. Access S3 buckets via the Acronis Cyber Infrastructure user panel or a third-party S3 application like Cyberduck, Mountain Duck, etc. (refer to "Accessing S3 buckets" in the Storage User’s Guide).