2.1. Storage architecture overview

The fundamental component of Acronis Cyber Infrastructure is a storage cluster: a group of physical servers interconnected by network. Each server in a cluster is assigned one or more roles and typically runs services that correspond to the following roles:

  • Storage role: chunk service (CS)

  • Metadata role: metadata service (MDS)

  • Supplementary roles:

    • SSD cache

    • 系统

Any server in the cluster can be assigned a combination of storage, metadata, and supplementary roles.

每个簇还要求基于 Web 的管理面板安装在其中一个(仅一个)节点上。该面板使管理员能够管理簇。

2.1.1. Storage role


The storage role can only be assigned to a server with disks of a certain capacity.

2.1.2. Metadata role


为了提供系统可靠性,Acronis Cyber Infrastructure 使用 Paxos 一致性算法。如果大多数运行元数据服务的节点都运行正常,它可保证容错。

To ensure high availability of metadata in a production environment, metadata services must be run on at least three cluster nodes. In this case, if one metadata service fails, the remaining two will still be controlling the cluster. However, it is recommended to have at least five metadata services to ensure that the cluster can survive simultaneous failure of two nodes and without data loss.

2.1.3. Supplementary roles

SSD 缓存

Boosts chunk read/write performance by creating write caches on selected solid-state drives (SSDs). It is also recommended to use such SSDs for metadata; refer to Metadata role for more information. The use of write journals may more than double the write speed in the cluster.

