Monitoring load balancers
To monitor a load balancer
On the Compute > Network > Load balancers tab, select the required load balancer and open the Overview tab. The following charts are available:
- Members state
- The total number of members in the balancing pools grouped by status: “Healthy”, “Unhealthy”, “Error”, and “Disabled”.
- CPU and RAM usage by the load balancer. By default, a load balancer instance is created with 2 vCPUs and 1 GB of memory. Check the CPU/RAM chart to see how the load balancer handles its workload. If the chart shows high values (about 80 percent), the load balancer needs more resources. You can add resources by changing the load balancer flavor, as described in "Changing the default load balancer flavor" in the Administrator Command Line Guide.
- Network
- Incoming and outgoing network traffic.
- Active connections
- The number of active connections.
- Error requests
- The number of error requests.