Managing self-service tenants

For the self service, you can manage projects and project users in existing domains, as well as create domains with new tenants.


  • A domain cannot be deleted if it has projects.
  • A project cannot be deleted if it has virtual objects.

To manage domains

On the Settings > Projects and users screen, do the following:

  • To create more domains, click Create domain.
  • To allow or prohibit access to a domain in the self-service panel, click the ellipsis icon next to the domain, and then click Enable or Disable.
  • To change a domain name or description, click the ellipsis icon next to the domain, and then click Edit.
  • To delete a domain, click the ellipsis icon next to it, and then click Delete.

To manage self-service users

On the Settings > Projects and users screen, click the domain, within which you want to manage users, and do the following on the Domain users tab:

  • To create more users, click Create user.
  • To edit the user credentials or permissions, click the ellipsis icon next to the user, and then click Edit.
  • To allow and prohibit user login in the self-service panel, click the ellipsis icon next to the user, and then click Enable or Disable.
  • To remove a user, click the ellipsis icon next to it, and then click Delete.

To manage projects

On the Settings > Projects and users screen, click the domain, within which you want to manage projects, and do the following on the Projects tab:

  • To create more projects, click Create project.
  • To view project properties, members, and resource consumption, click the project name.
  • To edit project quotas, click the ellipsis icon next to the project, and then click Edit quotas.
  • To assign users to a project, click the ellipsis icon next to the project, and then click Assign members.
  • To unassign users from a project, click the project name, open the Members tab on the right pane, and then click the bin icon next to the user.
  • To allow or prohibit access to a project in the self-service panel, click the ellipsis icon next to the project, and then click Enable or Disable.
  • To delete a project, click the ellipsis icon next to it, and then click Delete.