Customizing the self-service panel

Customization is required when you want the self-service panel have a custom appearance for end users. You can apply custom product title, logos, favicon, and the panel color scheme.

To customize the self-service panel

  • In the Product title section, click the pencil icon to change the product title displayed on the self-service web-browser tab. In a window that opens, specify a product title, and then click Save.
  • In the Logos section, upload two versions of the same logo: left-aligned and centered:
    1. Under Header, click Upload or the image displayed, and then browse to the left-aligned logo version. This image will be used as the panel header.
    2. Under Login screen, click Upload or the image displayed, and browse to the centered logo. It will be used at the login screen.
  • The images must be 256 x 64 pixels in dimensions and up to 2 MB in size. The following image formats are supported: .png, .jpg, or .svg. In case of .png, a transparent background is recommended.

  • In the Favicon section, click the upload icon to upload a favicon for the self-service panel and select an image file in the .png or .ico format. The image must be 32 x 32 pixels in dimensions and up to 1 MB in size.
  • In the Color scheme section, click Change scheme to select a color scheme for the self-service panel. In a window that opens, select the desired color scheme, and then click Apply.

To remove the chosen product title, logos, and favicon from the self-service and reset the theme to default, click Reset to default.