4.2. Managing backup nodes

4.2.1. vinfra service backup node add

Add a list of nodes to the backup cluster:

usage: vinfra service backup node add --nodes <nodes>
--nodes <nodes>
A comma-separated list of node hostnames or IDs


# vinfra service backup node add --nodes 2f3f6091-0d44-45aa-94e3-ebc2b65c0eeb
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | affe92f4-0c01-4a06-b91b-4ee0355d9a87 |

This command creates a task to add the node with the ID 2f3f6091-0d44-45aa-94e3-ebc2b65c0eeb to the backup cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show affe92f4-0c01-4a06-b91b-4ee0355d9a87
| Field   | Value                                           |
| details |                                                 |
| name    | backend.presentation.abgw.tasks.AssignNodesTask |
| result  |                                                 |
| state   | success                                         |
| task_id | affe92f4-0c01-4a06-b91b-4ee0355d9a87            |

4.2.2. vinfra service backup node list

List nodes in the backup cluster:

usage: vinfra service backup node list [--long]
Enable access and listing of all fields of objects.


# vinfra service backup node list
| id                                   | host                   | is_online |
| 2f3f6091-0d44-45aa-94e3-ebc2b65c0eeb | node003.vstoragedomain | True      |
| 74cbd22b-fb1b-4441-ae52-532078c54f9a | node001.vstoragedomain | True      |
| eeb06dce-4cfd-4c89-bc7f-4689ea5c7058 | node002.vstoragedomain | True      |

This command lists nodes in the backup cluster.

4.2.3. vinfra service backup node release

Release a list of nodes from the backup cluster:

usage: vinfra service backup node release --nodes <nodes>
--nodes <nodes>
A comma-separated list of node hostnames or IDs


# vinfra service backup node release --nodes 2f3f6091-0d44-45aa-94e3-ebc2b65c0eeb
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | ea09642c-291c-4df8-87a5-a8958d6308c1 |

This command creates a task to release the node with the ID 2f3f6091-0d44-45aa-94e3-ebc2b65c0eeb from the backup cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show ea09642c-291c-4df8-87a5-a8958d6308c1
| Field   | Value                                            |
| details |                                                  |
| name    | backend.presentation.abgw.tasks.ReleaseNodesTask |
| result  |                                                  |
| state   | success                                          |
| task_id | ea09642c-291c-4df8-87a5-a8958d6308c1             |