3.4. Managing Compute Nodes

3.4.1. vinfra service compute node add

Add a node to the compute cluster:

usage: vinfra service compute node add [--compute] [--controller] [--force] <node-id>
Compute node role
Compute controller node role
Skip checks for minimal hardware requirements
ID or hostname of the compute node


# vinfra service compute node add --node 827a1f4e-56e5-404f-9113-88748c18f0c2
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 4c58e63c-31b6-406a-8070-9197445ec794 |

This command creates a task to add the node with the ID 827a1f4e-56e5-404f-9113-88748c18f0c2 to the compute cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 4c58e63c-31b6-406a-8070-9197445ec794
| Field    | Value                                                         |
| args     | []                                                            |
| kwargs   | nodes:                                                        |
|          | - 827a1f4e-56e5-404f-9113-88748c18f0c2                        |
| name     | backend.presentation.compute.tasks.ComputeClusterAddNodesTask |
| progress | 100                                                           |
| state    | success                                                       |
| task_id  | 4c58e63c-31b6-406a-8070-9197445ec794                          |

3.4.2. vinfra service compute node list

List compute nodes:

usage: vinfra service compute node list


# vinfra service compute node list
| id                                   | hypervisor_hostname               | state | vms |
| 7ffa9540-5a20-41d1-b203-e3f349d62565 | stor-1.example.com.vstoragedomain | up    |   1 |
| 6e8afc28-7f71-4848-bdbe-7c5de64c5013 | stor-3.example.com.vstoragedomain | up    |   1 |
| 02ff64ae-5800-4090-b958-18b1fe8f5060 | stor-2.example.com.vstoragedomain | up    |   1 |
| 827a1f4e-56e5-404f-9113-88748c18f0c2 | stor-5.example.com.vstoragedomain | up    |   0 |
| 37c70bfb-c289-4794-8be4-b7a40c2b6d95 | stor-4.example.com.vstoragedomain | up    |   1 |

This command lists nodes in the compute cluster.

3.4.3. vinfra service compute node show

Display compute node details:

usage: vinfra service compute node show <node>
Node ID or hostname


# vinfra service compute node show 7ffa9540-5a20-41d1-b203-e3f349d62565
| Field               | Value                                        |
| host_ip             |                                |
| hypervisor_hostname | stor-1.example.com.vstoragedomain            |
| hypervisor_id       | 1                                            |
| id                  | 7ffa9540-5a20-41d1-b203-e3f349d62565         |
| state               | up                                           |
| statistics          | compute:                                     |
|                     |   block_capacity: 0                          |
|                     |   block_usage: 0                             |
|                     |   cpu_usage: 0                               |
|                     |   mem_total: 0                               |
|                     |   mem_usage: 0                               |
|                     |   vcpus: 0                                   |
|                     | datetime: '2018-09-11T16:39:15.290999+00:00' |
|                     | physical:                                    |
|                     |   cpu_cores: 2                               |
|                     |   mem_free: 414105600                        |
|                     |   mem_total: 8201244672                      |
|                     | reserved:                                    |
|                     |   cpus: 1                                    |
|                     |   memory: 5773                               |
| vms                 | 0                                            |

This command shows the details of the compute node with the ID 7ffa9540-5a20-41d1-b203-e3f349d62565.

3.4.4. vinfra service compute node fence

Fence a compute node:

usage: vinfra service compute node fence <node>
Node ID or hostname


# vinfra service compute node fence e6255aed-d6e7-41b2-ba90-86164c1cd9a6
Operation successful

This command fences the node with the ID e6255aed-d6e7-41b2-ba90-86164c1cd9a6.

3.4.5. vinfra service compute node unfence

Unfence a compute node:

usage: vinfra service compute node unfence <node>
Node ID or hostname


# vinfra service compute node unfence e6255aed-d6e7-41b2-ba90-86164c1cd9a6
Operation successful

This command unfences the node with the ID e6255aed-d6e7-41b2-ba90-86164c1cd9a6.

3.4.6. vinfra service compute node release

Release a node from the compute cluster:

usage: vinfra service compute node release [--compute] [--controller] <node-id>
Compute node role
Compute controller node role
ID or hostname of the compute node


# vinfra service compute node release --node 827a1f4e-56e5-404f-9113-88748c18f0c2
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 3b39738c-80a6-40a6-a50d-c3c8118ed212 |

This command creates a task to release the node with the ID 827a1f4e-56e5-404f-9113-88748c18f0c2 from the compute cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 3b39738c-80a6-40a6-a50d-c3c8118ed212
| Field   | Value                                                            |
| args    | []                                                               |
| kwargs  | nodes:                                                           |
|         | - 827a1f4e-56e5-404f-9113-88748c18f0c2                           |
| name    | backend.presentation.compute.tasks.ComputeClusterDeleteNodesTask |
| state   | success                                                          |
| task_id | 3b39738c-80a6-40a6-a50d-c3c8118ed212                             |