4.3. Updating Backup Cluster CertificatesΒΆ

Update certificates for the backup cluster:

usage: vinfra service backup cluster renew-certificates [--stdin]
                                                        --reg-account <reg-account>
                                                        --reg-server <reg-server>
Ask to enter the registration password in the console.
--reg-account <reg-account>
Partner account in the cloud or of an organization administrator on the local management server
--reg-server <reg-server>
URL of the cloud management portal or the hostname/IP address and port of the local management server


# vinfra service backup cluster renew-certificates --reg-account account@example.com \
--reg-server https://cloud.acronis.com/ --stdin
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 7f1873a7-cd9b-49f3-ae17-fb14ff08ddf5 |

This command creates a task to update certificates for the backup cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 7f1873a7-cd9b-49f3-ae17-fb14ff08ddf5
| Field   | Value                                                     |
| details |                                                           |
| name    | backend.presentation.abgw.tasks.RenewRegistrationAbgwTask |
| result  |                                                           |
| state   | success                                                   |
| task_id | 7f1873a7-cd9b-49f3-ae17-fb14ff08ddf5                      |