4.1. Creating, Showing, and Deleting Backup Cluster

4.1.1. vinfra service backup cluster create

Create the backup cluster:

usage: vinfra service backup cluster create --nodes <nodes> --domain <domain>
                                            --reg-account <reg-account>
                                            --reg-server <reg-server> --tier {0,1,2,3}
                                            --encoding <M>+<N> --failure-domain
                                            --storage-type {local,nfs,s3,swift,azure,
                                            google} [--stdin]
                                            [--nfs-host <host>]
                                            [--nfs-export <export>]
                                            [--nfs-version <version>]
                                            [--s3-flavor <flavor>]
                                            [--s3-region <region>]
                                            [--s3-bucket <bucket>]
                                            [--s3-endpoint <endpoint>]
                                            [--s3-access-key-id <access-key-id>]
                                            [--s3-secret-key-id <secret-key-id>]
                                            [--s3-cert-verify <cert-verify>]
                                            [--swift-auth-url <auth-url>]
                                            [--swift-auth-version <auth-version>]
                                            [--swift-user-name <user-name>]
                                            [--swift-api-key <api-key>]
                                            [--swift-domain <domain>]
                                            [--swift-domain-id <domain-id>]
                                            [--swift-tenant <tenant>]
                                            [--swift-tenant-id <tenant-id>]
                                            [--swift-tenant-domain <tenant-domain>]
                                            [--swift-tenant-domain-id <tenant-domain-id>]
                                            [--swift-trust-id <trust-id>]
                                            [--swift-region <region>]
                                            [--swift-internal <internal>]
                                            [--swift-container <container>]
                                            [--swift-cert-verify <cert-verify>]
                                            [--azure-endpoint <endpoint>]
                                            [--azure-container <container>]
                                            [--azure-account-name <account-nameE>]
                                            [--azure-account-key <account-key>]
                                            [--google-bucket <bucket>]
                                            [--google-credentials <credentials>]
--nodes <nodes>
A comma-separated list of node hostnames or IDs
--domain <domain>
Domain name for the backup cluster
--reg-account <reg-account>
Partner account in the cloud or of an organization administrator on the local management server
--reg-server <reg-server>
URL of the cloud management portal or the hostname/IP address and port of the local management server
--tier {0,1,2,3}
Storage tier
--encoding <M>+<N>

Storage erasure coding mapping in the format:

  • M: the number of data blocks
  • N: the number of parity blocks
--failure-domain {disk,host,rack,row,room}
Storage failure domain
--storage-type {local,nfs,s3,swift,azure,google}
Storage type
Ask to enter the registration password in the console.

Storage parameters for the nfs storage type:

--nfs-host <host>
NFS hostname or IP address
--nfs-export <export>
Full path to the NFS export
--nfs-version <version>
NFS version (3 or 4)

Storage parameters for the s3 storage type:

--s3-flavor <flavor> (optional)
Flavor name
--s3-region <region> (optional)
Set region for Amazon S3.
--s3-bucket <bucket>
Bucket name
--s3-endpoint <endpoint>
Endpoint URL
--s3-access-key-id <access-key-id>
Access key ID
--s3-secret-key-id <secret-key-id>
Secret key ID
--s3-cert-verify <cert-verify> (optional)
Allow self-signed certificate of the S3 endpoint

Storage parameters for the swift storage type:

--swift-auth-url <auth-url>
Authentication (keystone) URL
--swift-auth-version <auth-version> (optional)
Authentication protocol version
--swift-user-name <user-name>
User name
--swift-api-key <api-key>
API key (password)
--swift-domain <domain> (optional)
Domain name
--swift-domain-id <domain-id> (optional)
Domain ID
--swift-tenant <tenant> (optional)
Tenant name
--swift-tenant-id <tenant-id> (optional)
Tenant ID
--swift-tenant-domain <tenant-domain> (optional)
Tenant domain name
--swift-tenant-domain-id <tenant-domain-id> (optional)
Tenant domain ID
--swift-trust-id <trust-id> (optional)
Trust ID
--swift-region <region> (optional)
Region name
--swift-container <container> (optional)
Container name
--swift-cert-verify <cert-verify> (optional)
Allow self-signed certificate of the Swift endpoint (true or false)

Storage parameters for the azure storage type:

--azure-endpoint <endpoint>
Endpoint URL
--azure-container <container>
Container name
--azure-account-name <account-name>
Account name
--azure-account-key <account-key>
Account key

Storage parameters for the google storage type:

--google-bucket <bucket>
Google bucket name
--google-credentials <credentials>
Path to the file with Google credentials

Example 1. Creating the backup cluster on the local storage:

# vinfra service backup cluster create --nodes 2f3f6091-0d44-45aa-94e3-ebc2b65c0eeb,\
74cbd22b-fb1b-4441-ae52-532078c54f9a,eeb06dce-4cfd-4c89-bc7f-4689ea5c7058 \
--storage-type local --domain dns.example.com --tier 0 --encoding 1+2 --failure-domain \
host --reg-account account@example.com --reg-server https://cloud.acronis.com/ --stdin
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | ee7e60c5-5447-4177-8581-26657ac380c0 |

This command creates a task to create the backup cluster from three nodes specified by ID on the local storage. It also specifies the domain name, tier, failure domain, registration account and server.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show ee7e60c5-5447-4177-8581-26657ac380c0
| Field   | Value                                            |
| details |                                                  |
| name    | backend.presentation.abgw.tasks.RegisterAbgwTask |
| result  |                                                  |
| state   | success                                          |
| task_id | ee7e60c5-5447-4177-8581-26657ac380c0             |

Example 2. Creating the backup cluster on the S3 storage:

# vinfra service backup cluster create --nodes 2f3f6091-0d44-45aa-94e3-ebc2b65c0eeb,\
74cbd22b-fb1b-4441-ae52-532078c54f9a,eeb06dce-4cfd-4c89-bc7f-4689ea5c7058 \
--storage-type s3 --domain dns.example.com --tier 0 --encoding 1+2 --failure-domain \
host --s3-bucket mybucket --s3-endpoint s3.amazonaws.com --s3-access-key-id \
e302a06df8adbe9fAIF1 --s3-secret-key-id x1gXquRHQXuyiUJQoQMoAohA2TkYHer20o8tfPX7 \
--s3-cert-verify true --reg-account account@example.com --reg-server \
https://cloud.acronis.com/ --stdin
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | 0fb53a6f-2bc4-410a-aa1c-b3cda6ca8570 |

This command creates a task to create the backup cluster from three nodes specified by ID on the S3 storage. It also specifies the domain name, tier, failure domain, registration account and server, as well as the required S3 parameters.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show 0fb53a6f-2bc4-410a-aa1c-b3cda6ca8570
| Field   | Value                                            |
| details |                                                  |
| name    | backend.presentation.abgw.tasks.RegisterAbgwTask |
| result  |                                                  |
| state   | success                                          |
| task_id | 0fb53a6f-2bc4-410a-aa1c-b3cda6ca8570             |

Example 3. Creating the backup cluster on the NFS storage:

# vinfra service backup cluster create --nodes eeb06dce-4cfd-4c89-bc7f-4689ea5c7058 \
--storage-type nfs --domain dns.example.com --tier 0 --encoding 1+2 --failure-domain \
host --nfs-host nfs.example.com --nfs-export /myshare/myexport --nfs-version 4 \
--reg-account account@example.com --reg-server https://cloud.acronis.com/ --stdin
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | d76ceb22-48e7-4eac-b04f-03d3aa3377b7 |

This command creates a task to create the backup cluster from one node with the ID eeb06dce-4cfd-4c89-bc7f-4689ea5c7058 on the NFS storage. It also specifies the domain name, tier, failure domain, registration account and server, as well as the required NFS parameters.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show d76ceb22-48e7-4eac-b04f-03d3aa3377b7
| Field   | Value                                            |
| details |                                                  |
| name    | backend.presentation.abgw.tasks.RegisterAbgwTask |
| result  |                                                  |
| state   | success                                          |
| task_id | d76ceb22-48e7-4eac-b04f-03d3aa3377b7             |

4.1.2. vinfra service backup cluster show

Display backup cluster details:

usage: vinfra service backup cluster show


# vinfra service backup cluster show
| Field          | Value                                                   |
| abgw_address   | dns.example.com                                         |
| account_server | https://cloud.acronis.com                               |
| dc_uid         | 44893a40296ecd9ae64567297a5b2b07-1577203369             |
| migration      | dns: null                                               |
|                | ips: []                                                 |
|                | running: false                                          |
|                | time_left: 0.0                                          |
| reg_type       | abc                                                     |
| storage_params | access_key_id: e302a06df8adbe9fAIF1                     |
|                | bucket: mybucket                                        |
|                | cert_verify: true                                       |
|                | endpoint: s3.amazonaws.com                              |
|                | flavour: null                                           |
|                | region: null                                            |
|                | secret_key_id: x1gXquRHQXuyiUJQoQMoAohA2TkYHer20o8tfPX7 |
| storage_type   | s3                                                      |

This command shows the domain name, registration details, and storage parameters of the backup cluster.

4.1.3. vinfra service backup cluster release

Delete the backup cluster and all its data:

usage: vinfra service backup cluster release [--reg-account <reg-account>]
                                             [--force] [--stdin]
--reg-account <reg-account>
Partner account in the cloud or of an organization administrator on the local management server

Release the backup cluster but does not unregister it from your backup software.


Choose this option only if you are sure that the cluster has already been unregistered from your backup software.

Ask to enter the registration password in the console.


# vinfra service backup cluster release --reg-account account@example.com --stdin
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | cf270233-06d5-4a4a-8dea-443d6fb59b10 |

This command creates a task to delete the backup cluster with all its data and unregister it from your backup software.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show cf270233-06d5-4a4a-8dea-443d6fb59b10
| Field   | Value                                            |
| details |                                                  |
| name    | backend.presentation.abgw.tasks.ReleaseNodesTask |
| result  |                                                  |
| state   | success                                          |
| task_id | cf270233-06d5-4a4a-8dea-443d6fb59b10             |