Installing guest tools

Installation of the guest tools inside a virtual machine includes steps performed by users with different roles: a system administrator and a VM user.

As a system administrator

Upload the guest tools ISO files located in the /usr/share/vz-guest-tools/ directory on any compute node to the compute cluster:

  • for a Windows guest, upload vz-guest-tools-win.iso by running:

    # vinfra service compute image create vz-guest-tools-win --file /usr/share/vz-guest-tools/vz-guest-tools-win.iso --public
  • for a Linux guest, upload vz-guest-tools-lin.iso by running:

    # vinfra service compute image create vz-guest-tools-lin --file /usr/share/vz-guest-tools/vz-guest-tools-lin.iso --public

As a virtual machine user

Admin panel

  1. Create a compute volume from the vz-guest-tools-win or vz-guest-tools-lin image, depending on the VM operating system:

    1. On the Compute > Virtual machines > Images tab, click the vz-guest-tools-win or vz-guest-tools-lin image.
    2. On the image right pane, click Create volume.
    3. In the Create volume from image window, specify a name for the volume, and then click Create.
  2. Attach the volume with the guest tools to the virtual machine:

    1. On the Compute > Virtual machines > Virtual machines tab, click the required VM.
    2. On the VM right pane, click the pencil icon in the Volumes field.
    3. In the Volumes window, click Attach.
    4. In the Attach volume window, select the created volume with the guest tools, and then click Attach. The attached volume will be marked as ISO.
    5. In the Volumes window, click Done, to save your changes.
  3. Log in to the virtual machine.
  4. Inside the VM, do the following:

    • Inside a Windows VM, go to the mounted optical drive in Explorer and install the guest tools by running setup.exe. After the installation is complete, restart the VM.
    • Inside a Linux VM, create a mount point for the optical drive with the guest tools image and run the installer:

      # mkdir /mnt/cdrom
      # mount <path_to_guest_tools_iso> /mnt/cdrom
      # bash /mnt/cdrom/install								

Command-line interface

  1. Create a compute volume from the vz-guest-tools-win or vz-guest-tools-lin image, depending on the VM operating system. For example:

    # vinfra service compute volume create guest-tools-lin --image vz-guest-tools-lin \
    --storage-policy default --size 1
  2. Attach the volume with the guest tools to the required virtual machine. For example:

    # vinfra service compute server volume attach guest-tools-lin --server centos7
    | Field  | Value                                |
    | device | /dev/sda                             |
    | id     | 132908e4-3543-419f-a4bf-c219f74e2640 |
  3. Log in to the virtual machine.
  4. Inside the VM, do the following:

    • Inside a Windows VM, go to the mounted optical drive in Explorer and install the guest tools by running setup.exe. After the installation is complete, restart the VM.
    • Inside a Linux VM, create a mount point for the optical drive with the guest tools image and run the installer:

      # mkdir /mnt/cdrom
      # mount <path_to_guest_tools_iso> /mnt/cdrom
      # bash /mnt/cdrom/install