Managing Kubernetes clusters

Kubernetes clusters are created and managed by self-service users, as described in "Managing Kubernetes clusters" in the Self-Service Guide. In the admin panel, you can view Kubernetes cluster details, view master and worker groups, change service parameters, update the Kubernetes version, and delete Kubernetes clusters.

Acronis Cyber Infrastructure uses the soft anti-affinity policy for Kubernetes cluster nodes. According to this policy, Kubernetes nodes are distributed across compute nodes by groups: master nodes are distributed separately from workers. In this case, a compute node can host both a master node and a worker node. However, if there are not enough compute nodes to evenly distribute Kubernetes nodes from the same group, some of them can be placed on one compute node.


  • Kubernetes versions 1.15.x and 1.18.x are no longer supported. Kubernetes clusters created with these versions are marked with the Deprecated tag.
  • Kubernetes cluster certificates are issued for five years. To renew the certificates, use the vinfra service compute k8saas rotate-ca command. Alternatively, you can use the openstack coe ca rotate command, as described in the OpenStack documentation.


To view the details of a Kubernetes cluster

Admin panel

On the Compute > Kubernetes screen, click a Kubernetes cluster to open its right pane.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute k8saas show <cluster>
Cluster ID or name

For example, to view the details of the Kubernetes cluster k8s1, run:

# vinfra service compute k8saas show k8s1
| Field                            | Value                                      |
| action_status                    | CREATE_COMPLETE                            |
| boot_volume_size                 | 10                                         |
| boot_volume_storage_policy       | default                                    |
| containers_volume_size           | 10                                         |
| containers_volume_storage_policy | default                                    |
| create_timeout                   | 60                                         |
| external_network_id              | 10cc4d59-adac-4ec1-8e0a-df5015b82c64       |
| id                               | 749737ae-2452-4a98-a057-b59b1c579a85       |
| key_name                         | key1                                       |
| master_flavor                    | medium                                     |
| master_node_count                | 1                                          |
| name                             | k8s1                                       |
| network_id                       | d037623b-0db7-40c2-b38a-9ac34fbd1cc5       |
| nodegroups                       | - action_status: CREATE_COMPLETE           |
|                                  |   flavor: medium                           |
|                                  |   id: c3b4ec41-b8c1-4dae-9e1c-aa586b99a62c |
|                                  |   is_default: true                         |
|                                  |   name: default-master                     |
|                                  |   node_count: 1                            |
|                                  |   role: master                             |
|                                  |   status: ACTIVE                           |
|                                  |   version: v1.20.7                         |
|                                  | - action_status: CREATE_COMPLETE           |
|                                  |   flavor: small                            |
|                                  |   id: 65b80f19-0920-48b7-84e0-d0c63c46e99f |
|                                  |   is_default: true                         |
|                                  |   name: default-worker                     |
|                                  |   node_count: 3                            |
|                                  |   role: worker                             |
|                                  |   status: ACTIVE                           |
|                                  |   version: v1.20.7                         |
| project_id                       | d8a72d59539c431381989af6cb48b05d           |
| status                           | ACTIVE                                     |
| user_id                          | 5846f988280f42199ed030a22970d48e           |
| worker_pools                     | - flavor: small                            |
|                                  |   node_count: 3                            |

To view master and worker groups

  1. On the Compute > Kubernetes screen, click a Kubernetes cluster.
  2. On the cluster right pane, navigate to the Groups tab.
  3. List all of the nodes in a group by clicking the arrow icon next to the required node group.

To renew the Kubernetes cluster certificates

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute k8saas rotate-ca <cluster>
Cluster ID or name

For example, to renew the CA certificates for the Kubernetes cluster k8s1, run:

# vinfra service compute k8saas rotate-ca k8s1

To delete a Kubernetes cluster

Admin panel

  1. On the Compute > Kubernetes screen, click a Kubernetes cluster.
  2. On the cluster right pane, click Delete.
  3. Click Delete in the confirmation window.

Command-line interface

Use the following command:

vinfra service compute k8saas delete <cluster>
Cluster ID or name

For example, to , run delete the Kubernetes cluster k8s1:

# vinfra service compute k8saas delete k8s1