Managing load balancers

Load balancers are created and managed by self-service users, as described in "Managing load balancers" in the Self-Service Guide. In the admin panel, you can monitor, manage balancing pools, disable/enable, and delete a load balancer.


To view load balancer properties

  1. On the Compute > Network > Load balancers tab, select the required load balancer.
  2. Open the Properties tab. In the Virtual machines field, you can see the name of load balancer instances.
  3. Click the instance name to open the VM’s panel.

To enable/disable or delete a load balancer

  1. On the Compute > Network > Load balancers tab, select a load balancer.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon next to it, and then select the required action.

To manage balancing pools

  1. On the Compute > Network > Load balancers tab, select a load balancer.
  2. Click the load balancer name. You will see a list of balancing pools.

  • To monitor pool performance and health, open the pool’s panel on the Overview tab.
  • To see the pool parameters, open the pool’s panel and go to the Properties tab.
  • To manage the pool members, open the pool’s panel and go the Members tab.
  • To remove a balancing pool, click the ellipsis icon next to it, and then click Delete.