Monitoring cluster objects via SNMP

You can monitor cluster objects via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The implementation conforms to the same Structure of Management Information (SMI) rules as the data in the standard SNMP context: all objects are organized in a tree; each object identifier (OID) is a series of integers corresponding to tree nodes and separated by dots.

General information:

  • The OID of the root subtree with all of the objects you can monitor is
  • The VSTORAGE-MIB.txt information base file is required to monitor the objects. You can download the file at https://<admin_panel_IP>:8888/api/v2/snmp/mibs/.

SNMP monitoring overview

  1. Enable SNMP access.
  2. Access cluster information objects with SNMP tools, for example, Net-SNMP or Zabbix.
  3. If you need to listen to SNMP traps, configure settings and send a test SNMP trap.