3.3. Managing S3 User and Bucket Limits via REST API

This section describes limits you can define for users and buckets via REST API. You can apply the limits according to specific options that can be a part of your service plan.

3.3.1. Setting Operations per Second for Users

You can limit operations rate with the ostor-limits service and the following parameters: emailAddress specifying the email address, ops specifying the limit type, and default=, get=, put=, list=, or delete= specifying the limit value:

# s3_curl PUT "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&emailAddress=client@example.com&limit-type=ops&limit-resource=get&limit-value=3600"

3.3.2. Setting Bandwidth per Second for Users

You can limit outgoing bandwidth of a response with the ostor-limits service and the following parameters: emailAddress specifying the email address, bandwidth specifying the limit type, and out= specifying the limit value:

# s3_curl PUT "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&emailAddress=client@example.com&limit-type=bandwidth&limit-resource=out&limit-value=100"

3.3.3. Querying User Limits

You can display the current limits with the ostor-limits service and parameter emailAddress specifying the email address:

# s3_curl GET "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&emailAddress=client@example.com"
    "ops:default": "0.00",
    "ops:get": "3600.00",
    "ops:put": "0.00",
    "ops:list": "0.00",
    "ops:delete": "0.00",
    "bandwidth:out": "100"

3.3.4. Deleting User Limits

You can delete the current limits with the ostor-limits service and parameter emailAddress specifying the email address:

# s3_curl DELETE "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&emailAddress=client@example.com"

3.3.5. Setting Operations per Second for Buckets

You can limit operations rate with the ostor-limits service and the following parameters: bucket specifying the bucket name, ops specifying the limit type, and default=, get=, put=, list=, or delete= specifying the limit value:

# s3_curl PUT "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&bucket=client&limit-type=ops&limit-resource=get&limit-value=3600"

3.3.6. Setting Bandwidth per Second for Buckets

You can limit outgoing bandwidth of a response with the ostor-limits service and the following parameters: bucket specifying the bucket name, bandwidth specifying the limit type, and out= specifying the limit value:

# s3_curl PUT "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&bucket=client&limit-type=bandwidth&limit-resource=out&limit-value=100"

3.3.7. Querying Bucket Limits

You can display the current limits with the ostor-limits service and parameter bucket specifying the bucket name:

# s3_curl GET "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&bucket=client"
    "ops:default": "0.00",
    "ops:get": "3600.00",
    "ops:put": "0.00",
    "ops:list": "0.00",
    "ops:delete": "0.00",
    "bandwidth:out": "100"

3.3.8. Deleting Bucket Limits

You can delete the current limits with the ostor-limits service and parameter bucket specifying the bucket name:

# s3_curl DELETE "http://s3.example.com/?ostor-limits&bucket=client"