5.8. Managing Cluster Backups

5.8.1. vinfra cluster backup create

Create a backup:

usage: vinfra cluster backup create


# vinfra cluster backup create
| Field   | Value                                |
| task_id | e4b4f891-cc3a-4308-a321-d76265ef7b5b |

This command creates a task to back up the storage cluster.

Task outcome:

# vinfra task show e4b4f891-cc3a-4308-a321-d76265ef7b5b
| Field   | Value                                                    |
| details |                                                          |
| name    | backend.presentation.backups.tasks.BackupManagedNodeTask |
| result  | status: finished                                         |
| state   | success                                                  |
| task_id | e4b4f891-cc3a-4308-a321-d76265ef7b5b                     |

5.8.2. vinfra cluster backup show

Show backup information:

usage: vinfra cluster backup show


# vinfra cluster backup show
| Field                | Value                       |
| last_backup_date     | 2019-08-21T15:41:24+00:00   |
| last_backup_location | /mnt/vstorage/webcp/backup/ |
| ready                | True                        |
| tasks                | []                          |

This command shows the details of the last cluster backup and the ID of the ongoing backup task, if any.