3.18. Managing Compute Quotas

3.18.1. vinfra service compute quotas show

List compute quotas:

usage: vinfra service compute quotas show [--usage] <project_id>
Include quota usage.
Project ID


# vinfra service compute quotas show 6ef6f48f01b640ccb8ff53117b830fa3 --usage
| Field                           | Value |
| compute.cores.limit             | 20    |
| compute.cores.used              | 2     |
| compute.ram.limit               | 40960 |
| compute.ram.used                | 4096  |
| k8saas.cluster.limit            | 10    |
| k8saas.cluster.used             | 0     |
| lbaas.loadbalancer.limit        | 10    |
| lbaas.loadbalancer.used         | 0     |
| network.floatingip.limit        | 10    |
| network.floatingip.used         | 0     |
| storage.gigabytes.default.limit | 1024  |
| storage.gigabytes.default.used  | 66    |

This command shows compute quotas with their usage for the project with the ID 6ef6f48f01b640ccb8ff53117b830fa3.

3.18.2. vinfra service compute quotas update

Update compute quotas:

usage: vinfra service compute quotas update [--cores <cores>] [--ram <ram>]
                                            [--floatingip <floatingip>]
                                            [--gigabytes <storage_policy>:<size>]
                                            [--k8saas-cluster <cluster>]
--cores <cores>
Number of cores
--ram <ram>
Number of RAM, in megabytes
--floatingip <floatingip>
Number of floating IP addresses
--gigabytes <storage_policy>:<size>
Comma-separated list of <storage_policy>:<size>
--k8saas-cluster <cluster>
Number of Kubernetes clusters
Project ID


# vinfra service compute quotas update 6ef6f48f01b640ccb8ff53117b830fa3 --cores 10 \
--ram 20480 --gigabytes default:512
Operation successful.

This command updates compute quotas to 10 vCPUs, 20 GB of RAM, and 512 GB of disk space for the default storage policy.