8.7. Setting a DNS Name for the Compute APIΒΆ

By means of the Compute API traffic type, Acronis Cyber Infrastructure exposes a public endpoint that listens to OpenStack API requests. By default, it points to the IP address of the management node (or to its virtual IP address if high availability is enabled).

In some cases, you need to modify all public endpoints to use the domain name resolvable to the management node IP address (or its virtual IP), for example, to secure OpenStack API traffic with an SSL certificate without the subjectAltName field or to make the Kubernetes service access the compute API via the DNS name.

To modify all public endpoints to use the domain name, execute:

# openstack --insecure endpoint list | grep public
| 44aa0f53a40e4e52b1c7eeeb20c7811e | <...> | |
| 5a845b4b813047c292db73c42dad5efd | <...> |                    |
| 0b906e518b1041c8b94af7f410403369 | <...> |                    |
| d80af756adf1449f9237c3aeebc9206a | <...> |   |
| d0e8c7da7d174e1f9aa4efbc6dff2113 | <...> |                 |
| 0e6d3a39d6c44aa883984a35dde434bb | <...> |                    |
| 7d901686bca549f9b294e572f046f634 | <...> |   |
| 1b68ac7c3f7949fbaeef4a815fe6f3b1 | <...> |   |

# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:8774/v2.1/%(tenant_id)s 44aa0f53a40e4e52b1c7eeeb20c7811e
# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:8780 5a845b4b813047c292db73c42dad5efd
# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:9696 0b906e518b1041c8b94af7f410403369
# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s d80af756adf1449f9237c3aeebc9206a
# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:5000/v3 d0e8c7da7d174e1f9aa4efbc6dff2113
# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:9292 0e6d3a39d6c44aa883984a35dde434bb
# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s 7d901686bca549f9b294e572f046f634
# openstack --insecure endpoint set \
--url https://<DNS_name>:8776/v3/%(tenant_id)s 1b68ac7c3f7949fbaeef4a815fe6f3b1