.. _Managing Buckets via the |product_name| User Panel: Managing Buckets via the |product_name| User Panel -------------------------------------------------- This section describes how to manage buckets and their contents from the |product_name| user panel. .. _Logging in to User Panel: Logging in to User Panel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To log in to the |product_name| user panel, do the following: #. On any computer with access to the web interface, in a web browser visit ``http://:8888/s3/``. .. only:: ac .. image:: /images/stor_image68_ac.png :align: center :class: align-center .. only:: vz .. image:: /images/stor_image68_vz.png :align: center :class: align-center #. On the login screen, enter your credentials in the corresponding fields and click **LOG IN**. Once you log in to the web interface, you will see the **Buckets** screen with the list of your buckets. From here, you can manage buckets as well as folders and files stored inside the buckets. To log out, click the user icon in the upper right corner of any screen and click **Log out**. .. _Adding, Deleting, and Listing S3 Buckets: Adding, Deleting, and Listing S3 Buckets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the **Buckets** screen: - To add a new bucket, click **Add bucket**, specify a name, and click **Add**. .. only:: ac .. image:: /images/stor_image63_ac.png :align: center :class: align-center .. only:: vz .. image:: /images/stor_image63_vz.png :align: center :class: align-center Use bucket names that comply with DNS naming conventions. For more information on bucket naming, see :ref:`S3 Bucket and Key Naming Policies`. - To delete a bucket, select it and click **Delete**. - To list bucket contents, click a bucket name in the list. .. _Listing S3 Bucket Contents in a Browser: Listing S3 Bucket Contents in a Browser ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can list bucket contents with a web browser. To do this, visit the URL that consists of the external DNS name for the S3 endpoint that you specified when creating the S3 cluster and the bucket name. For example, ``mys3storage.example.com/mybucket``. .. note:: You can also copy the link to bucket contents by right-clicking it in CyberDuck, and then selecting **Copy URL**. .. _Creating, Deleting, and Listing Folders: Creating, Deleting, and Listing Folders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the bucket contents screen: - To create a folder, click **New folder**, specify folder name in the **New folder** window, and click **Add**. .. only:: ac .. image:: /images/stor_image61_ac.png :align: center :class: align-center .. only:: vz .. image:: /images/stor_image61_vz.png :align: center :class: align-center - To delete a folder, select it and click **Delete**. - To list folder contents, click a folder name. .. _Uploading and Downloading Files: Uploading and Downloading Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the bucket or folder contents screen: - To upload files to S3, click **Upload** and choose files to upload. .. only:: ac .. image:: /images/stor_image60_ac.png :align: center :class: align-center .. only:: vz .. image:: /images/stor_image60_vz.png :align: center :class: align-center - To download files, select them and click **Download**. .. _Obtaining and Validating File Certificates: Obtaining and Validating File Certificates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |product_name| offers integration with the Acronis Notary service to leverage blockchain notarization and ensure the immutability of data saved in S3 buckets. To certify files stored in your buckets, ask your system administrator to enable the Acronis Notary service for the buckets. After that, you will be able to do the following: - To get a notarization certificate for a file, select it and click **Get Certificate**. - To check the validity of a file's certificate, click **Verify**.