Managing S3 User and Bucket Limits in WHMCS ------------------------------------------- This section describes limits you can define for users and buckets in WHMCS. You can apply the limits according to specific options that can be a part of your service plan. Setting User Limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can limit operations rate with the ``ostor-limits`` service and the following parameters: ``emailAddress`` specifying the email address, ``default=``, ``get=``, ``put=``, ``list=``, or ``delete=`` specifying the limit value. Similarly, you can limit outgoing bandwidth of a response with the following parameters: ``emailAddress`` specifying the email address, ``out=`` specifying the limit value. WHMCS configures user limits in an S3 cluster when you click the **Set** button. Create a file ``S3_setLimitsForUser.php`` with the following contents: :: .. image:: /images/stor_saas_whmcs_integration7.png :align: center :class: align-center Querying User Limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can display the current limits with the ``ostor-limits`` service and parameter ``emailAddress`` specifying the email address. WHMCS displays the user limits in S3 cluster when you click the **Get** button. Create a file ``S3_getLimitsForUser.php`` with the following contents: :: Deleting User Limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can delete the current limits with the ``ostor-limits`` service and parameter ``emailAddress`` specifying the email address. WHMCS removes the user limits from S3 cluster when you click the **Delete** button. Create a file ``S3_deleteLimitsForUser.php`` with the following contents: :: Setting Buckets Limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can limit operations rate with the ``ostor-limits`` service and the following parameters: ``bucket`` specifying the bucket name, ``default=``, ``get=``, ``put=``, ``list=``, ``delete=`` specifying the limit value. Similarly, you can limit outgoing bandwidth of a response with the ``ostor-limits`` service and the following parameters: ``bucket`` specifying the bucket name, ``out=`` specifying the limit value. WHMCS configures the bucket limits in S3 cluster when you click the **Set** button. Create a file ``S3_setLimitsForBucket.php`` with the following contents: :: Querying Bucket Limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can display the current limits with the ``ostor-limits`` service and parameter ``bucket`` specifying the bucket name. WHMCS displays the bucket limits in S3 cluster when you click the **Get** button. Create a file ``S3_getLimitsForBucket.php`` with the following contents: :: .. image:: /images/stor_saas_whmcs_integration8.png :align: center :class: align-center Deleting Bucket Limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can delete the current limits with the ``ostor-limits`` service and parameter ``bucket`` specifying the bucket name. WHMCS removes the bucket limits from S3 cluster when you click the **Delete** button. Create a file ``S3_deleteLimitsForBucket.php`` with the following contents: ::