.. _Hardware Requirements for ABGW-only Installations: Hardware Requirements for ABGW-only Installations ------------------------------------------------- Normally, |product_name| is installed on at least five nodes to fully utilize its built-in data redundancy capabilities. However, if you only want to use the ABGW feature, you can deploy a very basic |product_name| installation on a single virtual or physical node. Although in this case you must provide data redundancy by other means or you risk losing user data. You can do the following: - Use a virtual machine (VM) with at least two virtual HDDs (three are recommended). In this case, only one HDD will be used for data storage and you must make sure that the VM is made redundant by the virtualization solution it runs on. - Use a physical server with at least two disks (three are recommended). Have in mind that you will need to use more disks for storage to enable data redundancy. For more details on how to plan your server configuration, see the `Installation Guide `__. Other minimal requirements are: - 150 GB or higher capacity of each HDD/SSD. .. note:: If you plan to use Acronis Backup Gateway to store backups in the cloud, make sure the local storage cluster has plenty of logical space for staging (keeping backups locally before sending them to the cloud). For example, if you perform backups daily, provide enough space for at least 1.5 days' worth of backups. For more details, see the `Administrator's Guide `__. - A dual-core CPU. - 4GB RAM. - 1Gbps network interface. It is recommended to use static IP addresses. You can also use the same network interface for both internal and external traffic (but you are advised to configure secure networking later).