.. _GET Service ostor-usage: GET Service ostor-usage ----------------------- Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Lists existing statistics objects or queries information contained in a specified object. Requests ~~~~~~~~ Syntax ^^^^^^ :: GET /?ostor-users HTTP/1.1 Host: s3.amazonaws.com Date: Authorization: :: GET /?ostor-users&obj=object name HTTP/1.1 Host: s3.amazonaws.com Date: Authorization: Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ The parameter is specified by the ``obj`` subresource. If the ``obj`` subresource is undefined, the response contains information about all existing statistics objects. Otherwise information from the specified object ``obj`` is returned. +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | Parameter | Description | Required | +==================+=======================================================+==========+ | ``obj`` | Statistics object name. | No | | | | | | | Type: string. | | | | | | | | Default value: none. | | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------+ Headers ^^^^^^^ This implementation uses only common request headers. Responses ~~~~~~~~~ Headers ^^^^^^^ This implementation uses only common response headers. Body ^^^^ If ``obj`` is unspecified: :: { "nr_items": number of statistics objects, "truncated": true if a list is truncated, "items": [ //list of statistics objects "first object's name", "s3-usage-obj1", "s3-usage-obj2", "s3-usage-obj3", ... ] } If ``obj`` is specified: :: { "fmt_version": version of response format, "service_id": idof a service that collected statistics, "start_ts": timestamp of statistics upload, "period": statistics upload period in seconds, "nr_items": number of counters, "items": [//list of usage counters { "key": { "bucket": "bucket-name", "epoch":bucket's epoch, "user_id": "user id", "tag": "statistics object tag" }, "counters": { "ops": { "put":count of put ops, "get": count of get ops, "list": count of list ops, "other": count of other ops }, "net_io": { "uploaded":number of uploaded bytes during the period, "downloaded": number of downloaded bytes during the period } } }, ... ] } Examples ~~~~~~~~ Sample Request #1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following request returns information about all statistics objects. :: GET /?ostor-usage /HTTP1.1 Date : Mon, 11 Apr 2016 16:43:16 GMT+3:00 Host : ostor-test-1 Authorization : Sample Response #1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amz-req-time-micros : 404 Transfer-encoding : chunked Server : nginx/1.8.1 Connection : keep-alive x-amz-request-id : 80000000000000030006b6be3b0ae378 Date : Mon, 11 Apr 2016 13:43:16 GMT Content-type : application/json { "nr_items": 9, "truncated": false, "items": [ "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:10:29.000Z-1800", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:12:53.000Z-30", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:13:23.000Z-30", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:15:53.000Z-30", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:16:23.000Z-30", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:31:54.000Z-30", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:33:25.000Z-30", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:33:55.000Z-30", "s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:34:25.000Z-30" ] } Sample Request #2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following request returns information from the object ``s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:33:55.000Z-30``. :: GET /?ostor-usage&obj=s3-usage-8000000000000003-2016-04-11T13:12:53.000Z-30 /HTTP1.1 Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 17:48:21 GMT+3:00 Host: ostor-test-1 Authorization: Sample Response #2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-amz-req-time-micros : 576 Transfer-encoding : chunked Server : nginx/1.8.1 Connection : keep-alive X-amz-request-id : 80000000000000030006b6bf23c77f09 Date : Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:48:21 GMT Content-type : application/json { "fmt_version": 1, "service_id":8000000000000003, "start_ts":1460380373, "period": 30, "nr_items":2, "items": [ { "key": { "bucket": "bucket", "epoch":16394, "user_id": "f82c23f7823589eb", "tag": "" }, "counters": { "ops": { "put":15, "get":0, "list":1, "other":0 }, "net_io": { "uploaded":99785, "downloaded":0 } } }, { "key": { "bucket": "", "epoch":0, "user_id": "f82c23f7823589eb", "tag": "" }, "counters": { "ops": { "put":0, "get":2, "list":0, "other":0 }, "net_io": { "uploaded":0, "downloaded":0 } } } ] }