3. Monitoring Acronis Cluster Objects via SNMP

You can monitor cluster objects via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The implementation conforms to the same Structure of Management Information (SMI) rules as the data in the standard SNMP context: all objects are organized in a tree; each object identifier (OID) is a series of integers corresponding to tree nodes and separated by dots.

General information:

  • The OID of the root subtree with all the objects you can monitor is
  • The VSTORAGE-MIB.txt information base file is required to monitor the objects. You can download the file at http://<management_panel_IP>:8888/api/v2/snmp/mibs/VSTORAGE-MIB.txt.

The following subsections describe ways to enable and use SNMP to monitor cluster objects.

3.1. Enabling SNMP Access

To monitor cluster objects, enable the SNMP access on the node. Do the following in the management panel:

  1. On the SETTINGS > Advanced settings > SNMP tab, check Enable SNMP on management node. Doing so lets your network management system (SNMP monitor) access the cluster via the SNMP protocol on the management node’s port 161.

  2. Click the corresponding link to download the MIB file and set it up in your SNMP monitor.

  3. If required, have Acronis Storage send SNMP traps to your SNMP monitor. Do the following:

    1. Check Send SNMP traps to Network Management System.
    2. Specify the IP of the system, and, if required, change the default Port and Community.
    3. If required, click SEND TEST TRAP to test the service.
  4. Click SAVE to apply changes.

3.2. Accessing Acronis Objects via SNMP

You can access Acronis objects with SNMP tools of your choice, e.g., the free Net-SNMP suite for Linux.

To display cluster information on the node with management panel, place the MIB file to /usr/share/snmp/mibs and run the snmpwalk command. For example:

# snmpwalk  -M /usr/share/snmp/mibs -m VSTORAGE-MIB -v 2c -c public localhost:161 VSTORAGE-MIB:cluster

Typical output may be the following:

VSTORAGE-MIB::clusterName.0 = STRING: "cluster1"
VSTORAGE-MIB::healthStatus.0 = STRING: "healthy"
VSTORAGE-MIB::usedSpace.0 = Counter64: 173732322
VSTORAGE-MIB::totalSpace.0 = Counter64: 1337665179648
VSTORAGE-MIB::freeSpace.0 = Counter64: 1318963253248
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseStatus.0 = STRING: "unknown"
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseCapacity.0 = Counter64: 1099511627776
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseExpirationStatus.0 = STRING: "None"
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioReadOpS.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioWriteOpS.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioReads.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioWrites.0 = Counter64: 0
VSTORAGE-MIB::csActive.0 = Counter64: 11
VSTORAGE-MIB::csTotal.0 = Counter64: 11
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsAvail.0 = Counter64: 4
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsTotal.0 = Counter64: 4

3.2.1. Listening to SNMP Traps

To start listening to SNMP traps, do the following:

  1. Configure the snmptrapd daemon to log SNMP traps, allow them to trigger executable actions, and resend data to the network. To do this, add the following public community string to the /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf file:

    authCommunity log,execute,net public
  2. Start the daemon and specify the MIB file:

    # snmptrapd -M /usr/share/snmp/mibs -m VSTORAGE-MIB -n -f -Lf /tmp/traps.log
  3. Send a test trap from the SETTINGS > Advanced settings > SNMP tab in the management panel.

  4. View the log file:

    # tail -f /tmp/traps.log
    2017-04-23 02:48:18 UDP: []:58266->[]:162 [UDP: \
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Timeticks: (1687405) 4:41:14.05       \
    SNMPv2-SMI::snmpModules. = OID: VSTORAGE-MIB::generalAlert     \
    VSTORAGE-MIB::trapType = STRING: Test Case      VSTORAGE-MIB::trapMsg = \
    STRING: This Is Text Message to end-user    \
    VSTORAGE-MIB::trapPriority = Counter64: 1

    The test trap is considered a generalAlert.

3.3. Monitoring Clusters with Zabbix

To configure cluster monitoring in Zabbix, do the following:

  1. On the SETTINGS > Advanced settings > SNMP tab, click the corresponding link to download a template for Zabbix.


    The template is compatible with Zabbix 3.x.

  2. In Zabbix, click Configuration > Templates > Import and Browse.

  3. Navigate to the template, select it, and click Import.

  4. Click Configuration > Hosts > Create host.

  5. On the Host tab, do the following:

    1. Specify the Host name of the management node and its Visible name in Zabbix.
    2. Specify vstorage in the New group field.
    3. Remove the Agent Interfaces section.
    4. Add an SNMP interfaces section and specify the IP of the management node in the corresponding field.
  6. On the Templates tab, click Select next to the Link new templates field.

  7. In the Zabbix Server: Templates window, check the Template VStorageSNMP template and click Select.

  8. Back on the Templates tab, click the Add link in the Link new templates section. The VStorageSNMP template will appear in the Linked templates group.

  9. Having configured the host and added its template, click the Add button.


In a few minutes, the cluster’s SNMP label in the Availability column on the Configuration > Hosts screen will turn green.


To monitor cluster’s parameters, open the Monitoring > Latest data screen, set the filter’s Host groups to vstorage and click Apply.

You can create performance charts on the Configuration > Hosts > <cluster> > Graphs tab and a workplace for them on the Monitoring > Screens tab.

3.4. Description of Cluster Objects and Traps

The table below describes cluster-related objects you can monitor:

Object Description
VSTORAGE-MIB:cluster General cluster information.
VSTORAGE-MIB:csStatTable Chunk server statistics table.
VSTORAGE-MIB:mdsStatTable Metadata server statistics table.
VSTORAGE-MIB::clusterName Cluster name.
VSTORAGE-MIB::healthStatus Cluster health status.
VSTORAGE-MIB::usedSpace The space occupied by all data chunks and their replicas plus the space occupied by any other data stored on cluster nodes’ disks.
VSTORAGE-MIB::totalSpace The total space on all cluster nodes’ disks.
VSTORAGE-MIB::freeSpace The unused space on all cluster nodes’ disks.
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseStatus License status.
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseCapacity The maximum disk space available as defined by license.
VSTORAGE-MIB::licenseExpirationStatus License expiration status.
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioReadOpS Current read speed in operations per second.
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioWriteOpS Current write speed in operations per second.
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioReads Current read speed in bytes per second.
VSTORAGE-MIB::ioWrites Current read write in bytes per second.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csActive The number of active chunk servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csTotal The total number of chunk servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsAvail The number of running metadata servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsTotal The total number of metadata servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::s3OsAvail The number of running S3 object servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::s3OsTotal The total number of S3 object servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::s3NsAvail The number of running S3 name servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::s3NsTotal The total number of S3 name servers.
VSTORAGE-MIB::s3GwAvail The number of running S3 gateways.
VSTORAGE-MIB::s3GwTotal The total number of S3 gateways.

The table below describes the CS-related objects you can monitor:

Object Description
VSTORAGE-MIB::csId Chunk server identifier.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csStatus Current chunk server status.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csIoReadOpS Current read speed of a chunk server in operations per second.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csIoWriteOpS Current write speed of a chunk server in operations per second.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csIoWait The percentage of time spent waiting for I/O operations. Includes time spent waiting for synchronization.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csIoReadS Current read speed of a chunk server in bytes per second.
VSTORAGE-MIB::csIoWriteS Current write speed of a chunk server in bytes per second.

The table below describes MDS-related objects you can monitor:

Object Description
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsId Metadata server identifier.
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsStatus Current metadata server status.
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsMemUsage The amount of memory used by a metadata server.
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsCpuUsage The percentage of the CPU’s capacity used by a metadata server.
VSTORAGE-MIB::mdsUpTime Time since the startup of a metadata server.

The table below describes SNMP traps triggered by the specified alerts:

Trap Alert
licenseExpired The license has expired.
tooFewClusterFreeLogicalSpace Too few free space is left.
tooFewClusterFreePhysicalSpace Too few physical space is left.
tooFewNodes Too few nodes are left.
tooFewMdses Too few MDSs are left.
generalAlert Other.