.. _Stopping iSCSI Targets: Stopping iSCSI Targets ---------------------- To stop an iSCSI target to which no initiators are connected, use the ``vstorage-iscsi stop`` command. For example, for the target ``iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1``: :: # vstorage-iscsi stop -t iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1 If one or more iSCSI initiators are still connected to the target, you will be informed as follows: :: # vstorage-iscsi stop -t iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1 initiators still connected Initiator:   iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:c678b9f6f0 ( Unable stop target iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1 In this case, disconnect the iSCSI initiator according to the product manual and run the ``vstorage-iscsi stop`` command again. To forcibly stop a target to which one or more initiators are still connected, add the ``-f`` option to the command above. For example: :: # vstorage-iscsi stop -t iqn.2014-04.com.vstorage:test1 -f Breaking the iSCSI connection in such a way may result in I/O errors on the iSCSI initiator's side.