.. _Preparing to Work with iSCSI Targets: Preparing to Work with iSCSI Targets ------------------------------------ On each node where you want to create iSCSI targets, do the following: #. Make sure the ``vstorage-iscsi`` and ``vstorage-scsi-target-utils`` packages are installed on the node. #. Make sure that the node has access to the |product_name| cluster as client and has an entry in ``/etc/fstab``. #. Create a directory in the |product_name| cluster where you will store iSCSI targets and their configurations. For example, ``/vstorage/stor1/iscsi``. #. Set the ``ISCSI_ROOT`` variable in ``/etc/vstorage/iscsi/config`` to the directory from the previous step. For example: :: ISCSI_ROOT=/vstorage/stor1/iscsi You are now ready to create iSCSI targets in your |product_name| cluster.